Session 1 Setting the Context. Objectives At the end of this session, you will be able to: Understand current humanitarian trends and issues and the implications.


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Presentation transcript:

Session 1 Setting the Context

Objectives At the end of this session, you will be able to: Understand current humanitarian trends and issues and the implications for your work Understand your role and responsibilities in humanitarian coordination Outline the humanitarian architecture Identify OCHA key contacts

Global Trends Climate change, Population growth, Urbanization, Scarcity of natural resources… Rising number of disasters Continuous increase in humanitarian needs Rising requests for humanitarian assistance Situations of chronic vulnerability

Access to affected populations and their access to humanitarian assistance is a challenge Assertion of national sovereignty Lack of respect for humanitarian principles, international law and humanitarian law

Implications for the RC role Need to bridge the divide between humanitarian and development work Need to advocate and negotiate for access and protection Need for a new business model that focuses on  Prevention  Preparedness  Capacity building at local and regional level

Humanitarian Coordination System Primary responsibility for coordinating humanitarian assistance rests with national authorities If international humanitarian assistance is required, you are responsible for humanitarian coordination You report to the Emergency Relief Coordinator You will be held accountable for your performance OCHA support (i) Country Office (ii) Regional Office (iii) Headquarters

IASC humanitarian stakeholders Three main families: UN humanitarian agencies NGOs Red Cross/Red Crescent movement

Humanitarian Principles Humanity Impartiality Neutrality Independence

Response Preparedness: Lead and coordinate the preparedness efforts of all relevant actors in support of national efforts Humanitarian Coordination Responsibilities

Response: Establish and lead an inclusive Humanitarian Country Team Lead the development of a strategic response plan Coordinate its implementation Raise funds for it Humanitarian Coordination Responsibilities

Response: Advocate and negotiate for access and protection Lead and coordinate international recovery activities Humanitarian Coordination Responsibilities

OCHA support at field level Free additional staff at short notice  to help manage coordination  to provide advice  Short- term assignments  Longer-term assignments

OCHA support at HQ level The ERC can provide: (i) Strategic guidance (ii) Political support, with  humanitarian agencies/organisations  other parts of the UN secretariat  governments (iii) Public and private advocacy  to raise awareness on issues of humanitarian concern  to increase funding, with ◦ member states ◦ international media

OCHA Entry Points OCHA Regional Office John Ging, Director CRD Valerie Amos, ERC

Support needed Any Questions? Major challenges