Nervous System
What does the nervous system do? The nervous system picks up messages from in and out of the body and turns them into signals that coordinate the body’s thoughts, senses, movements, balance and automatic responses.
What type of cells receive and send signals throughout your body? Neurons Endocrine System What other body system does the nervous system work with?
What are the 3 main parts of the nervous system? Brain Spinal Cord Nerves
Our nervous system is divided into 2 parts, what are these parts? Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System
How do the 2 parts of the nervous system work together? The PNS gathers signals and sends them to the CNS where it determines what needs to be done. The CNS then sends signals to the muscle and other organs.
What is the point between a neuron that is sending a signal and a neuron that is receiving a signal called? synapse What detects messages for the nervous system and creates the signals? Sensory receptors
What is the difference between sensory nerves and motor nerves? Sensory nerves carry signals from the sense organs to the CNS Motor nerves carry signals from brain or spinal cord to the muscles and glands
Why are spinal injuries that result in paralysis often permanent? Sensory and motor nerves can heal completely but it is slow. The spinal nerves can also grow but not well enough to repair significant damage.
What do the following parts of the brain do? Brain control center for the body Cerebrum largest part of the brain, center for thought, imagination and emotions.
Cerebellum controls balance and posture brain stem guides signals coming from the spinal cord and other parts of the brain spinal nerves that branch from spinal cord to the brain and tissues