Higher Education Reauthorization Act.  The language of the law is Part H- Program Integrity in section 496 related to Regional Accrediting Agencies directing.


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Presentation transcript:

Higher Education Reauthorization Act

 The language of the law is Part H- Program Integrity in section 496 related to Regional Accrediting Agencies directing them to require, “an institution that offers distance education to have processes through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates and completes the program and receives the academic credit.”

 In the section related to Accrediting Agencies ◦ They will need to add to their standards ◦ The will need to train their visiting teams ◦ They will need to monitor  May be Regulations by Dept of Ed. ◦ One sentence in a huge act all of which may need regulations. ◦ Regulations made by “Negotiated Rulemaking” ◦ Probably will start the process in Spring 2009

 Regional Accrediting Agencies are talking about this together.  “Distance Ed” Klonoski appointed by NEASC as their rep in these conversations  Diane Goldsmith working with WCET – and others nationally on the issue.

 CTDLC Executive Council met with Barbara Brittingham, NEASC’s Director of the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. She emphasized: ◦ Pedagogy NOT Technology for the response ◦ No undue financial burdens on institution or student ◦ Authentication is not the same as cheating/plagiarism ◦ Students interact with the institution in a variety of ways outside the classroom, so we know our students. ◦ Belief that this is really about “diploma mills.”

 This is the law that NEASC must follow.  Be prepared to address how your institution approaches the issue through: ◦ faculty training ◦ instructional design ◦ assessment plans ◦ work with student service providers ◦ course monitoring ◦ or other methods which your institution believes protects the integrity of your online classes and programs.

 For Example: ◦ Diverse methods of assessment ◦ Step-based assessments ◦ Test banks with random question selection ◦ Use of chat/discussion forums where students “fingerprint” their writing and thinking  Interaction amongst students/student services staff and faculty ◦ Monitor grades ◦ Use of student services

 Review NEASC’s guidelines for Evaluation of Distance Learning (link in Nov. CTDLC newsletter)  Watch for updates in the CTDLC newsletter  Let Diane Goldsmith know about any issues that arise on your campus that might help others – especially those with NEASC visits.