Teacher Evaluation ___________________________ Modified ADEPT Model Assisting Developing Evaluating Professional Teaching
ESEA Waiver and SCDE Requirements The system for evaluation & supporting teachers will: Support continuous improvement of instruction Differentiate performance using at least 3 performance levels Use multiple measures to determine performance levels Incorporate student growth as a significant factor – Student Learning Objectives – Value Added Measures Evaluate teachers on a regular basis Provide clear, timely, and useful feedback. Generate data that will be used to inform personnel decisions.
Contract Timeline Induction: 1 st year Annual Formal: 2 nd year or new to SC Annual GBE: 3 rd year or 2 nd year in SC Continuing: At least a 4 th year teacher who has a professional certificate
Induction (Formative Feedback) First year teachers without prior experience STARTS Seminar Program Evaluation team consists of an administrator & trained mentor Observations with formative feedback Portfolio development Student growth component practice during 2 nd semester If successful, move to Annual Formal 1 the next year and participate in ADEPT SAFE-T Formal Evaluation (SAFE-T: Summative ADEPT Formal Teacher Evaluation)
Annual (Summative Feedback) Second year teachers or teachers with experience in another state ADEPT SAFE-T Formal Evaluation process Evaluation team: administrator & at least 1 peer evaluator Beginning, mid-year and final conference with administrator and peer evaluator to provide summative feedback Conferences include the development & monitoring of student growth component If successful, move to Annual Goals Based Evaluation the next year and participate in the expanded ADEPT GBE process
Continuing Contract Teachers Experienced teacher with a professional certificate Expanded ADEPT Goals Based Evaluation Process: 4 levels – Research & Development – Comprehensive Formal (5-yr cycle recertification year) – Competence-building (based on previous performance) – Summative Formal Evaluation (based on previous performance)