How these affect the use of computers
There are 4 main types of legislation that affect the use of computers. 1.Data Protection Act 2.Copyright 3.Computer Misuse 4.Health and Safety All businesses are required to comply with these laws and to keep up to date with any changes.
Its aim is to protect the rights of person. The Act sets out rules on how data should be stored and used. It provides the right to complain. 1.Personal data should be kept securely. 2.Personal data must not be sold or given to a third party 3.Personal data can only be used with permission 4.Personal data must be accurate and up to date 5.Personal data must be relevant, no unnecessary information 6.Personal data must only be used for its intended purpose 7.Personal data must be destroyed when it is no longer needed 8.Personal data must be used lawfully
This act makes it illegal to copy someone else's work, without their permission. Businesses who break this law risk having to pay a fine. There are 3 common ways in which this law is broken: 1.Using software without the correct software licence – i.e. installing software on more computers than you have licences for. 2.Downloading files, such as images from the Internet. If images are used then the copyright owner’s permission must be obtained and their name acknowledged. 3.Copying music, DVDs and software. If you share music, games or movies, which you have not created yourself, you are in breach of the copyright act.
All employers and employees have a responsibility to behave safely. The main laws covering computers are: 1.Employers need to ensure computers and the area around them is safe. 2.Employers need to ensure workstation equipment e.g. chairs or monitors meet the minimum requirements. E.g. they are adjustable for different people. 3.Employers need to plan breaks and changes of activity to prevent health issues, such as eye strain, headaches, back problems and RSI. 4.Employees have the right to ask for eye tests and glasses.
This act relates to illegal access to files and data stored on computers. It was introduced to cope with the increase in hacking and viruses. There are 3 main parts to the act. 1.Unauthorised access to computer material. This means if you try to access files or data that you don’t have permission to view, then you are breaking the law. (Hackers) 2.Unauthorised access with intent to commit further offences. This means that if you access material and then intend to use it to commit fraud, you are breaking the law. 3.Unauthorised changes to a computer system. This means if you make any changes to a computer system such as deleting/editing someone's files, you are breaking the law.
Some businesses need to monitor that tasks/jobs are being completed correctly and on time. There are several ways in which this can be done: 1.GPS/mobile phones – tracking the location of staff whilst they are working away from the main building. 2.Using CCTV cameras in buildings 3.Using swipe cards to monitor movement around and in and out of a building. 4.Using cookies to monitor web site access 5.Using key logging to record tasks completed on a computer 6.Recording telephone conversations 7.Customer buying patterns – tracking items bought and targeting new products or special offers.
For 1.Employee safety 2.Quickly locate employees and get help 3.Employer has a duty of care 4.Stop any dangerous or illegal activity Against 1.Could be seen as spying on employees 2.Could be used to track employees when they are on a break 3.Could be used to gather evidence against the employee