A New Approach to Peer-to- Peer Programming: Combining Career Technology Education with a Center Based Program Katie Josef, M.Ed. Careers in Education Instructor & Michelle Etson, LMSW School Social Worker
Who are we? Katie Josef - Careers in Education Instructor for 11th & 12th grade students Michelle Etson -School Social worker -Peer-to-peer co-coordinator in a local district prior to moving to the center
Why do we do peer-to-peer support? Evidence Based Practices: Social Skills and Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention “Peer mediated instruction and intervention has been shown to have positive effects on academic, interpersonal and personal-social development and may be the largest and most empirically supported type of social intervention for learners with ASD” (Bass & Mulick, 2007; Maheady, Harper & Mailette, 2001; McConnell, 2002)
Another suggestion is providing more time for instruction and social interaction with typically developing peers-a strategy that will likely result in both quicker skill acquisition and better maintenance of improvements. (Strain, Kohler, Storey, & Danko, 1994).
How we started Say what you mean and mean what you say How I approached “the talk” Why in the world did Katie go along with this? The 1st week explosion-from 9-27 in one hour!
How it works at Lapeer Ed-Tech Students receive credit in the Careers in Education Course LINKS attend training minutes each week Students are linked minutes on Friday – Some students are linked 2 hours on Thursday as well LINKS journal weekly about their experiences During training, the students are trained using the curriculum approved by START Case conference
Positives for target students Early data: Student D – pre LINKS: prompted response – post LINKS: independent greeting to peer using her name, prompted response to adult Student J – 0 behavior incidents when LINKS were present Student B – engaged in social time with a general education peer for the first time in approximately 5 years
Positives for LINKS Gained in experience with special education students Formal training Understand different behaviors – Not only learn about it, but actually see it. Confidence increases Career change
Challenges Scheduling with 5 district-different calendars Time to collaborate Behavior-how we respond-the impact that can have
What staff are saying about LINKS “The affect this program has had on our students in Careers in Education is immeasurable. To see the expression on their faces, to see the pride they have in themselves is remarkable. This program has opened the eyes of our CTE students and shown them a world of experiences they would not have experienced without our new LINKS program.” ~Dale L. Moore, Ed.D. Principal/CTE Director/CEPD Director
“Having LINKS in our program wasn’t an option-knowing the research and impact that peer-to-peer supports has for kids drove staff to find a way to make it happen for our kids too! It didn’t take long for people to buy in-within weeks we were seeing responses from students to their LINKS that staff had been trying to elicit for years! By far the most powerful thing we have going for kids.” ~Casey Rich, Coordinator of Special Education-Center Program- LCISD
“They have really jumped in to make connections with our students. They come in and don’t hesitate and go right over and sit with the COSMIC stars and start talking to them.” ~Diane Dove, SCI teacher Loving Intelligent No Nonsense Kind Service ~ Lisa VanLoon, MoCI teacher
What students are saying? “Working in LINKS has been a great experience. JJ has been on the green every time I am there. It shows that having someone with him has helped.” Ashley K. “I have been in LINKS for a few weeks now. We have learned a lot in these past few weeks. We have learned about Autism, different visuals, schedules, and different techniques in working with our link. I have enjoyed learning about special education students and having an opportunity to see everything in practice.” Hunter B.
“He said my name, I didn’t know that he knew my name.” ~Tori “LINKS inspires me to help more students.” ~Maddie D.
“Links has opened my eyes in the way I work with people.” I feel like I have developed a relationship.” Laine M. “I like knowing that what I do leaves an impact. It seems like the little things each day.” Lexie F.
“We get to experience getting to bond with another student.” ~ Anonymous
“I am excited to be a LINK. I can’t wait. I want to experience what everyone keeps talking about and make that difference.” Kaylynn A.
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