PERSONAL PRONOUNS: Personal pronouns have 3 cases -nominative -objective -possessive
SUBJECTIVE OR NOMINATIVE: * A pronoun used as the subject of a sentence or as a predicate nominative case pronoun. * The nominative case pronouns are I, you he, she, it, we, and they.
EXAMPLES OF SUBJECTIVE: Subjective: 1.He ate the banana - He would be the subject 2. We picked wild flowers - We would be the subject
EXAMPLES OF NOMINATIVE: Nominative: 1.The winner is she. - She would be the predicate nominative 2.Our neighbors are they. - They would be the predicate nominative
OBJECTIVE: Objective is a pronoun used in the predicate part of the sentence as a direct object, indirect object, and object of the preposition. The objective case pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, and them.
DIRECT OBJECTS EXAMPLES: Direct object: 1. Our puppy likes him. -Him would be the direct object. 2.Dad took them to the airport. -Then would be the direct object.
EXAMPLES OF INDIRECT OBJECTS: Indirect object: 1.Hand her the keys. -Her is the indirect object. 2. Mom cooked dad and us dinner. -Us would be the indirect object.
EXAMPLES OF OPPOSITE OF THE PREPOSITION: Opposite of the preposition: 1.You can ride with me. -Me would be the opposite of the preposition. 2.That belongs to us. - Us would be the opposite of the preposition.
POSSESSIVE: Possessive is a pronoun that demonstrates ownership. The possessive pronouns are my, mine, our, ours, its, his, hers, theirs, your, yours, whose, and ones.
EXAMPLES OF POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: Possessive: 1.The cat is yours. Yours would be the possessive pronoun 2.The ring is hers. Hers would be the possessive pronoun