Chapter 4 The World Jesus Lived In: Jesus the Nazarene p. 27 – 28 Read pages 21 & 22 Define: 1. Galilee 2.Samaria 3.Judea 4.Gentiles 5.Pharisees 6.Sadducees Read pages 29 & 30 Define: 1.Sanhedrin 2.Zealots 3.Essenes 4.Mezuzah 5.Shema 6.sabbath
Vocabulary 1.Galilee 2.Samaria 3.Judea 4.Gentiles 5.Pharisees 6.Sadducees 7.Sanhedrin 8.Zealots 9.Essenes 10.Mezuzah 11.Shema 12.Sabbath First Century Nazareth Village 6: How Jesus Grew Up - by Dr. Randall Smith 3: The situation in Palestine at the time of the Prophet Jesus birth 5:11
Aim: What was the world that Jesus lived in like? I. The Land A. Palestine had three main regions 1. Galilee in the north a. Nazareth – hometown b. Capernaum public ministry home base c. Originally of non-Jewish origin – Judean looked down on Galileans
2.Samaria in the middle a. Considered heretics because they intermarried with foreigners b. Did not come to worship at the Temple in Jerusalem 1/5 1 st and 2nd 3. Judea in the South a. Bethlehem – Jesus’ birthplace b. Jerusalem – The Temple and Jesus’ death place
II. Political Scene A. Palestine ruled by Rome 1. Augustus Caesar Roman emperor 2. Herod the Great king of Palestine rebuilt the temple 3. Pontius Pilate was the Roman procurator B. Rome respected Jewish religious practices 1. Did not have to serve in the army with Gentiles or non-Jews 2. Lived with Roman troops, laws and taxes
III. Religious Groups A. Pharisees were middle-class Jews who interpreted the Law strictly and added 613 regulations 1. Believed in angels and resurrection 2. Scholarly teacher among called scribes
B. Sadducees –wealthy and powerful political leaders as well as priests 1. Worked with Rome 2. Included in this group were a. Chief high priest – spiritual leaders and like a king b. Sanhedrin – 71 Jewish men in Judea a supreme council
C. Zealots were freedom fighters who sometimes used violence to overthrow Rome’s control D. Essenes withdrew to the desert to live in communities because they were unhappy with the way Jewish faith was lived
III. Jesus’ Religion A. Prayed the Shema B. Mezuzah a small case on the right post of the doorway that held a copy of the Shema C. Wore a prayer shawl D. Traveled to the Temple in Jerusalem for Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles E. Sabbath the Lord’s day was a day of strict rest
V. Daily Life A. Boys have religious training B. Spoke Aramaic C. No public events D. Extended family