Welcome to British North America! Are you tired of living in poverty? We have: L ots of food F ishing R ich soil for farming L and J ob opportunities A nd so much more
British North America H as many different areas where you can find the right job opportunity for you. C anada West C anada East N ewfoundland P rince Edward Island N orth-Western Territory, Rupert’s Land, Vancouver’s Island and New Caledonia N ew Brunswick N ova Scotia
Canada West Move to Canada West. We are known for our farming and lumber manufacturing. The main jobs are making furniture, carriages and wool products. There is free education available for children. There are factories that manufacture textiles and metal objects. There are lots of jobs available.
Canada East Move to Canada East. The city of Montreal is our centre for shipping. There are lots of places for people to work at anything from a doctor to a factory worker.
Newfoundland Newfoundland is a beautiful island with lots of land for farming and ocean for fishing. We are known for our cod fishery. There are friendly people and lots of opportunities for you.
New Brunswick Move to New Brunswick. It is the World Center for shipbuilding. It is also the center for trade with the United States and Great Britain. There are jobs in shipbuilding, farming, logging, sawmilling, sail making, iron work, rope manufacturing and carpentry.
Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island has a lot to offer people looking to start a new life. There is rich soil ideal for farming. There is lots of work in different areas. Such as ship building, logging, sawmilling, sail making, carpentry, ironwork, rope manufacturing and dairy and vegetable farming.
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia has many areas that have lots of job opportunities. Farming, logging and shipbuilding are places that there are many jobs available. But if you want something different, there are also fishing, sail making, ironwork and lots more. In the Annapolis Valley, there is so much land with rich soil for farming and there is leather and metal manufacturing jobs too.
North-Western Territory, Rupert’s Land, Vancouver’s Island and New Caledonia You can travel around this area while you work at the fur trade. It is the most attractive job in this area. The Hudson Bay Company has posts set up in many locations for you to trade your fur or metal items.
Make the move! We guarantee that if you move to British North America you will have a better life for you and your family. Job opportunities for everyone. So move for a better life!