Teaching Point To evaluate numerical operations using order of operation
Connection To communicate in the language of mathematics we must follow a convention for reading and evaluating expressions. This convention is called………order of operations.
Motivation Discuss some conventions that you follow in your own lives: eating three meals a day walking in the hallway to the right of the yellow line. Why do we have rules like these? What happens if these rules are broken or changed? Does everyone have to obey them?
You’ll learn to evaluate expressions using the order of operations. To evaluate a mathematical expression means to find it’s value.
Example: Knowing the order of operations will help you find the total cost of adults’ and children’s admissions to the zoo.
p Do all operations within group symbols first. This includes parenthesis and brackets. e.g.: 2 5- (5 + 1) x2
Simplify all numbers that have exponents. Begin from Left to Right. e.g.: x = 2x2x2x2x2
Multiply or Divide (which ever comes first) from Left to Right.
Add or Subtract (which ever comes first) from Left to Right.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally! This mnemonic device will help you recall the order in which expressions should be evaluated.
1. (8+3) (19-19) 3. 5x8-3x x4 5. (24-10)-3x3 6. 4(22-18)-3x5 7. 3(18-12)-(5-3)
Independent Practice Addison Wesley Textbook Page 100 Complete 1a,e, d, h, 22,25, 26,47 & 49
Math Learning Log Prompt: I feel confident/nervous about ____________because… My response: I feel confident about order of operation because it is one of the mathematical conventions that I enjoy teaching. I enjoy this concept, and like the orderly way in which an expression is evaluated. From my observations, many of my students appear to get the concept. Many who did not quite “get it”, failed to follow the steps I outlined. The continually used their own shortcut, to arrive at the wrong results.
Summary Write your response in your Math Learning Log Prompt: Why is it important to learn mathematical conventions such as Order of Operation? My Response:
Homework Class /01/06 Impact Textbook Page 20, Problem Set D Complete 1,3,5, Study for Test Next Wednesday 6/203 Only--Quick Review Page 68 Complete 12,13,14,15,18,20,22, 24, Corrected-Quick Review- Page 173 complete 1,3, 6,12,19,20, /02 & /3 Impact Textbook Page 20, Problem Set D Complete 1,3,5,
That ‘s all Folks! Adapted from PPT created by Lyn Husen & Pat Layton, Maury Middle School, Dandridge, TN