Monitoring of Civil Works Compiling of cumulative progress (QPR) and progress for the financial year fresh works have been a matter of concern for the TSG and EE Bureau. The formats for the cumulative progress (QPR) which is due in the bureau and TSG by 16 th of April, July, October and January is not received in time. The format for the report is as given below :
Quarterly Progres of civil works as on 30th June/ 30th Sep/ 31st Dec/ 31st March ___________ Year (Physical Status) State:_______________ S.No.Activities Targets till date (Units) Cumulative Completed (Units) Cumulative In Progress (Units) Cumulative Remarks BRCs 2CRCs 3New school buildings (Primary) 4New school buildings (Upper Primary) 5Existing schools/ building less schools (Primary) 6Existing schools/ building less schools (Upper Primary) 7Additional classrooms (Primary) 8Additional classrooms (Upper Primary) 9Toilets (Primary) 10Toilets(Upper Primary) 11Drinking water (Primary) 12Drinking water(Upper Primary) 13Other components TOTAL
FINANCIAL STATUS (SSA) Cumulative approved outlay for Civil works till date (Rs. In lakhs) Cumulative expenditure in Civil works till date (Rs. In lakhs) Percentage Expendi ture (%) Remarks 1234 FINANCIAL STATUS (NPGEL) Cumulative approved outlay for Civil works in NPGEL till date (Rs. In lakhs) Cumulative expenditure in Civil works in NPGEL till date (Rs. In lakhs) Percentage Expendi ture (%) Remarks FINANCIAL STATUS (KGBV) Cumulative approved outlay for Civil works in KGBV till date (Rs. In lakhs) Cumulative expenditure in Civil works in KGBV till date (Rs. In lakhs) Percentage Expendi ture (%) Remarks 1 3
Cumulative Progress : It means targets both physical and financial from the date of inception of SSA and up to the date of reporting as approved by PAB in AWP&B. (Targets for , , , , and ) Any revision of targets whether financial or physical will not be accounted for by the State in the report until re-appropriated by PAB. States are not authorized to change the targets without prior approval of PAB.
Current Year Progress (MPR) : It means targets approved by PAB for the AWP&B of the current year. These will be only fresh targets without any spill over Any revision of targets whether financial or physical will not be accounted for by the State until re- appropriated by PAB. The format is as under :
Monthly progress of SSA Civil works approved by PAB for AWP & B (Fresh Work) State :-Month :-Year :-(Rs. In lakhs) Sr. No.Name of Components Fresh approval for AWP & B Physical (Unit) Completed (Physical) (Unit) In progress (Physical) (Unit) Financial out lay approved in AWP & B for for civil works Expenditure against Fresh approvals BRC 2CRC 3 New primary schools Buildingless School Dilapidated buildings 4 New UP schools Buildingless schools Dilapidated building 5 Additional classrooms (Primary) Additional classrooms (U.Pry) 6 Drinking water (Pri.) Drinking water (U.Pry) 7 Toilets (Primary) Toilets (U.Pry) TOTAL
Some of the problem being faced by TSG and Fax sent to States on 23 rd October, 2006 are : Haryana : Report on Cumulative (QPR) has not been received along with the reports sent by you Meghalaya : Report on MPR & Teacher Recruitment has not been received along with the reports sent by you Punjab : Report on MPR & Teacher Recruitment has not been received along with the reports sent by you Rajasthan : Report on Teacher Recruitment has not been received along with the reports sent by you Tamil Nadu : Report on Teacher Recruitment has not been received along with the reports sent by you
Tripura : Report on Cumulative (QPR) has not been received along with the reports sent by you West Bengal : Report on MPR & Teacher Recruitment has not been received along with the reports sent by you Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttranchal, Andaman Nicobar, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagra Haveli, Daman Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep & Pondicherry did not send their report by 23 rd of October, 2006, although letter from Mr. K.R. Meena (Deputy Secretary) was addressed to them on 4 th October, 2006 and even in normal course the reports were to be received by 16 th of the month (October, 06).
Other problem being faced are : Reports are not submitted on prescribed formats. Financial Progress is not shown in the progress report. While sending cumulative progress the current year targets are not added. The targets are changed by the States without prior approval of PAB. The reports are not received on prescribed formats While submitting report, the same is not compared with previous report Minus progress has been reported by Karnataka, Orissa, Punjab, Daman Diu & Pondicherry.