HISP activities are all about moving people from providing services, to also using information to manage services
An example of an organisational hierarchy in the DHIS14 1. Central Ministry 2. Health districts 3. Health facilities
Record of patients seenSummary of key information Data entry into database Data analysis and use
Steps in the Data Flow Facility (12) District OfficeEntry into DHIS (18) Electronic distribution to Province (15) Electronic distribution to National Data completeness and validation Placement on servers Information officers ?
Data handling processes in the info cycle Collection & Collation Processing Presentation Use of Information Flow of information Feedback mechanisms Format of tables, graphs & reports Data quality checks (manual) Data validation (computer) Data analysis Indicator based essential dataset Data elements - std. definitions Data sources & tools defined Data capture streamlined Regular review of data Relate to operational plans Monitor service coverage & quality Data flow Feedback
Data handling processes in the info cycle Collection & Collation Processing Presentation Use of Information Flow of information Feedback mechanisms Format of tables, graphs & reports Data quality checks (manual) Data validation (computer) Data analysis Indicator based essential dataset Data elements - std. definitions Data sources & tools defined Data capture streamlined Regular review of data Relate to operational plans Monitor service coverage & quality Data flow Feedback
Immunisation Coverage 2001 Immunisation Coverage 2002
Basic Criteria for Health Information Software: 1. Data capture: Prevents the capture of duplicate datasets. Prevents the capture of duplicate datasets. Has mechanisms for data validation. Has mechanisms for data validation. Can be adapted by users to reflect the changing reality in the health sector Can be adapted by users to reflect the changing reality in the health sector Organisational units Organisational units Data elements (and indicators). Data elements (and indicators). Is able to calculate indicators that use population as a denominator. Is able to calculate indicators that use population as a denominator.
2. Reporting functions: Reporting must be readily available to provide managers with real time data. Reporting must be readily available to provide managers with real time data. Can provide automatic reports to various organisational levels. Can provide automatic reports to various organisational levels. Must allow the creation of customised reports Must allow the creation of customised reports Links to GIS functionality Links to GIS functionality
3. Export/Import function: Can automatically export data from lower levels for import at higher levels. Can automatically export data from lower levels for import at higher levels. Can specify data export of different groups of data (for onward transmission to various stakeholders – e.g. donors, programme managers, etc). Can specify data export of different groups of data (for onward transmission to various stakeholders – e.g. donors, programme managers, etc).
4. Maintenance: Can be locally (in country) supported, adapted, and developed. Can be locally (in country) supported, adapted, and developed. FOSS + Platform independent FOSS + Platform independent