READ, WRITE, IMAGINE… Where does a writer get his or her ideas? How does one find the discipline to write a book? How does one paint the canvas of his imagination onto paper? Imagine having the opportunity to have these very questions answered, in person, by the authors of books you’ve recently read!
Allows you to read good books from 17 different authors. Gives you the opportunity to meet the authors of the books you’ve read and have them autograph the books you own. Better your writing skills – learn tips, and tricks from some of the best YA authors of our time. Attend writer’s workshops put on by your favorite Cavalcade authors at Columbia Basin College Friday, March 11th! WHAT IS THE CAVALCADE OF AUTHORS?
Read 4 books starting from June 2015, one from each of 4 different Cavalcade authors to attend OR read 8 authors to be entered into a drawing for a Nook and a prize to be determined by your school librarian. Turn in all your paperwork to the library to reserve one of 50 spots available. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?
You will have until Friday, January 15 th to read all your books and turn in your paperwork. Cavalcade of Authors will be on Friday, March 11 th from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at Columbia Basin College. WHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT DATES?
WHAT YOUR DAY WILL LOOK LIKE: Session 1: Author of your choice8:15 – 8:55 Session 2: Author of your choice9:15 – 10:00 Session 3: Author of your choice10:20 – 11:05 Lunch Meet with School11:25 – 11:55 Session 4: Author of your choice12:00 – 12:45 Autographing1:05 – 2:00 Board Busses2:00 – 2:15
Pick up the information packet from the library. Check those books out OR buy them if you can… Barnes and Noble Bookfair - November, 15 th 2015 WHERE DO I START?
Get that reading done as soon as possible. Get that paperwork completed and turned in to the library as soon as you can. Last day to turn in paperwork is January 15 th ! ONLY 50 SLOTS AVAILABLE!