2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects1 Applied Logic & Computation in System Design - A Research Invitation Jie-Hong R. Jiang 江介宏 NTUEE/GIEE National Taiwan University TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects2 ALCom Lab Founded in Aug Rm. 526, Ming-Dar Hall Lab of cool ideas A creative research environment Crazy ideas encouraged!
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects3 Research focuses Logic Formal verification and logic synthesis Scalable techniques Synergy between the two Optimization Statistical methods for nanometer IC design Optimization methods and their applications Foundations New computation models
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects4 Recent publications [1] To SAT or Not to SAT: Ashenhurst Decomposition in a Large Scale. ICCAD'08 Joint work with Hsuan-Po Lin, Ruei-Rung Lee [2] Bi-Decomposing Large Boolean Functions via Interpolation and Satisfiability Solving. DAC’08 Joint work with Ruei-Rung Lee, Wei-Lun Hung [3] Scalable Exploration of Functional Dependency by Interpolation and Incremental SAT Solving. ICCAD'07 best paper nominee Joint work with Chih-Chun Lee, Chung-Yang (Ric) Huang, Alan Mishchenko [4] Inductive Equivalence Checking under Retiming and Resynthesis. ICCAD'07 Joint work with Wei-Lun Hung [5] SAT-based Logic Optimization and Resynthesis. IWLS'07 Joint work with Alan Mishchenko, Robert Brayton, Stephen Jang [6] A Statistical Approach to the Timing-Yield Optimization of Pipeline Circuits. PATMOS'07 Joint work with Chin-Hsiung Hsu, Szu-Jui Chou, Yao-Wen Chang [7] Quantum Mechanical Search and Harmonic Perturbation. Quantum Information Processing, 2007 Joint work with Dah-Wei Chiou, Cheng-En Wu
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects5 Who are qualified? Whoever interested in switching circuits / logic design, computer programming, discrete math, algorithms, OR electronic design automation (EDA)
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects6 Uniqueness Take on important problems which may yield substantial impacts on industry and academia Work closely with the coach Gain great research advice and learn a lot Learn what PhD students are doing! Not just waste your labor
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects7 Project 1: Biological Circuit Analysis metabolic networks signal transduction networks gene regulatory networks
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects8 Project 1: Biological Circuit Analysis DNA gene y mRNA promoter transcription translation protein Y protein X X* X can be an activator or a repressor of Y: X Y
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects9 Project 1: Biological Circuit Analysis Gene regulatory networks are similar to logic circuits! Source: An Intro. to Systems Biology by U. Alon
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects10 Project 1: Biological Circuit Analysis We’ll apply logic circuit analysis and optimization techniques to biological circuit analysis and design.
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects11 Project 2: Symmetry Detection Using SAT Solving If f(x,y) = f(y,x), then function f is symmetric on variables x and y We’ll design algorithms to solve this problem for functions with up to hundreds or even thousands of variables
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects12 Project 3: Circuit Optimization via Functional Dependency and Decomposition Recent work showed an effective way of computing functional dependency and decomposition We’ll use them in the application of circuit optimization
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects13 Contact info ALCom Lab Rm. 526, MD Hall (02) Jie-Hong R. Jiang Rm. 242, EEII Building (02)
2009/2/10NTUEE Research Projects14 Thank you!