光辉岁月-- Beyond 钟声响起归家的讯号 在他生命里 彷佛带点唏嘘 黑色肌肤给他的意义 是一生奉献 肤色斗争中 年月把拥有变做失去 疲倦的双眼带著期望 今天只有残留的躯壳 迎接光辉岁月 风雨中抱紧自由 一生经过彷徨的挣扎 自信可改变未来 问谁又能做到 可否不分肤色的界线 愿这土地里 不分你我高低 缤纷色彩显出的美丽 是因它没有 分开每种色彩 年月把拥有变做失去 疲倦的双眼带著期望 今天只有残留的躯壳 迎接光辉岁月 风雨中抱紧自由 一生经过彷徨的挣扎 自信可改变未来 问谁又能做到
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela ---- a modern hero modernhero
Hero : a person who has done something brave, new, or good, and who is therefore greatly admired by a lot of people Nelson Mandela
Elias’ story Para 1: What’s the relationship between Elias and Mandela? Elias’ attitude to Mandela: grateful Para 2: Why did Elias need Mandela’s help? Trouble: poverty---little education---hard work---passbook---not born there---out of work Mission: Retell this part using your own words Challenge: Use at least two attributive clauses ( 定语从句)
Elias’ feeling of life: sad; worried Para 3: (turning point) How did Mandela help Elias? Elias’ feeling of life: hopeful Elias’ attitude to Mandela: thankful; admire Can you infer the aim of ANC Youth League? Explain Mandela’s sentence with your words. Who control the government at that time in South Africa?
Para 4 : detailed information to _______ Mandela’s words. problem of racialism Did Mandela think violence was a good way to help black people? had to…; only then did we decide… They were forced (unwilling) to use violence. Para 5: What did they do using violence? Was Elias afraid when doing so? Was he willing to do it? support
Different voices South Africa is all about the black people now; this government does not care about us white people. Every year our children graduate from universities but cannot find jobs because preference is given to black children, as part of the ANC’s black economic empowerment( 授权 ) policy. BEE often overlooks things like experience and a person gets hired just because they are the right skin colour. I think it’s time South Africa moved on. Millions of skilled white people have left the country since 1994 and I don’t blame them. I am not racist, but I hate being made to feel like I do not matter in my own country. To be honest, I want to say that President Mandela and his followers make it harder for me as a white person to feel patriotic( 爱国的) about a country that wants to punish me for being white. Butcher---use violence during the revolution
What do you think about Nelson Mandela? objective information may help (P.39) Write Is Nelson Mandela a hero according to you? YES. I think he is a hero because he is a ____________ person. (reasons---3 or 4 sentences) NO. I don’t think so because I find he is a __________ person. (reasons---3 or 4 sentences) Pair Discuss your ideas with your deskmate and help each other to improve your writing. Share Share your opinions with your class.
Task: Raise a question about what else you want to know about Mandela? Homework: Search information and answer your deskmate’s question.