Reading tips and methods. According to the following information, what will we know? BOOK1 Unit1 Friend—Anne’s best friend Unit2 English around the world—The.


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Presentation transcript:

Reading tips and methods

According to the following information, what will we know? BOOK1 Unit1 Friend—Anne’s best friend Unit2 English around the world—The road to modern English Unit3 Travel journal—Journey down the Mekong Unit4 Earthquakes—A night the earth didn’t sleep Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero—Elias’ story BOOK2 Unit1 Cultural relics—in search of the Amber Room Unit2 The Olympic Games—An interview Unit3 Computers—Who am I ? Unit4 Wildlife protection—How Daisy learned to help wildlife Unit5 Music—The band that wasn’t

阅读内容的选材和体裁 Referring to : figure and life story Politics Society and economy History Geography Education and study news reports cultures and arts science and technology Nature Diet and health Journey and traffic Application of advertising Referring to : 记叙文 说明文 议论文 应用文

Look at these questions : 1.Which of the following is a fact? 3.We can infer from the passage that 4.What’s the author’s attitude to the carnival? 2.What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text? 5.What does the underlined phrase “skip lunch” mean in the first paragraph? 细节理解 写作目的 推理判断. 作者态度 词义猜测

7.Which of the following could be the best title for the text? 8.What does the passage mainly tell us ? Concluding : 题型:细节理解题;推理判断题;词义猜测 题(句意猜测);主旨大意题(写作目的; 标题归纳;观点态度题) 标题归纳 主旨大意

题干提问方式: 一)主旨大意题 1 ) The main idea of the passage is. 2) Which of the following is the best title? 3) The main purpose of the story is to tell us. 4) Which of the following best describes the main point of the passage? 5) What is the writer trying to tell us? 6) The purpose of the passage is. 7) The main (general) idea of the passage is. 8) The passage is mainly/discusses about. 9) From the passage we know that. 找主题句

二)推理判断题 1) It can be concluded/inferred that. 2) The writer suggests/implies that. 3) What’s the author’s purpose/attitude toward ? 4) The passage proves that. 5) This passage is most probably taken from. 6) The writer probably feels that. 整体理解

三)细节理解题 1) According to the passage, who/what/which/when/where/why/how many/how much /how long/how soon/how often ……? 2) Which of the following statement is true/NOT true? 3) Which of the following is mentioned / NOT mentioned? 4) All of the following are true EXCEPT. 题干定位法

四)词义猜测题 1) The word“ ”refers to /probably means/could be best replaced by. 2) The word“……”is most likely to mean. 3) What do you think the expression“……”stands for? 4) By saying “……”we means. 5)“……”as used in the passage, can best be defined as. 释义法 举例法 对比法 上下文法