Wilson and Progressivism Semester 2, Day 23
Objective Students will: Discuss the key issues of the pivotal 1912 election and the basic principles of Wilsonian progressivism. Describe how Wilson successfully reformed the “triple wall of privilege.” State the basic features of Wilson’s moralistic foreign policy, and explain how, despite his intentions, it drew him into intervention in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America.
The “Bull Moose” Campaign of 1912 Democrats nominate Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey – 435 electoral votes, 41% popular vote Republicans nominate William Howard Taft – 8 electoral votes and 24% popular vote Bull Moose Party nominated T.R. – 88 electoral votes and 28% popular vote Roosevelt’s New Nationalism or Wilson’s New Freedom Roosevelt followed The Promise of American Life (1910)-consolidate trusts and unions with growth of regulatory agencies woman suffrage social welfare-minimum wage, social insurance
Cont’d Wilson’s New Freedom favored small enterprise, entrepreneurship, free functioning of unregulated and un-monopolized markets Democrats shunned social welfare in favor of competition
Wilson: The Idealist in Politics Considered a “phraseocrat” Would go to the people Difficult to work with in private-academic background may have caused this Black was black, wrong was wrong a strict ideologue
The President Tames the Trusts Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 root out unfair business practices unlawful competition, false advertising, mislabeling Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 outlawed price discrimination and interlocking directorates exempted unions and agricultural organizations
Wilsonian Progressivism at High Tide Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916-credit to farmers at low interest rates Warehouse Act of 1916-loans on the security of staple crops Workingmen’s Compensation Act of 1916 federal civil service employees during times of disability Louis Brandeis-1916, 1 st person of Jewish descent on the U.S. Supreme Court
New Directions in Foreign Policy Wilson would not support American investors in Latin-America, therefore American bankers withdrew a loan to China Repealed Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912 Jones Act 1916-Philippines territorial status/stable government U.S. Japanese relations strained over CA law Haiti-American troops in 1915 for 19 years to protect U.S. interests/lives Dominican Republic-1916 for 8 years Virgin Islands-Wilson purchased from Denmark in 1917
Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico 1913-A new revolutionary president murdered and General Victoriano Huerta put in place-Taft ambassador supported Huerta, while Wilson did not chaos caused widespread migration to U.S. Many wanted war with Mexico, included William Randolph Hearst Wilson refused to recognize Huerta government imposed arms embargo, sent ambassador home Wilson allowed arms sales to Carranza and Pancho Villa in 1914 Pancho Villa Incidents 16 Americans killed in northern Mexico, pulled off a train Columbus, New Mexico-19 Americans killed Villa wanted war between U.S. and Mexico Black Jack Pershing sent to capture Villa
A Precarious Neutrality Both sides courted the U.S. Britain controlled most transatlantic cables they sent stories of German atrocities 11 million Central Power immigrants in U.S. in 1914 Most Americans anti-German Kaiser Wilhelm II’s arrogance going into Belgium violence in American factories and ports
America Earns Blood Money War pulled American industry out of a recession Morgan loaned 2.3 billion to the Allies Central powers cried fowl, but they were free to trade with the U.S. geography and the Royal Navy stopped trade German subs too new for international law Wilson put in a difficult position Only neutral trading would be allowed Germany torpedoed 90 ships in early 1915 Lusitania-128 Americans, did carry 4200 cases of small arm ammo More ships sunk and Wilson demanded warning before merchant ships- Sussex Pledge
Wilson Wins Reelection in 1916 TR refuses nomination of Progressive Party Republicans nominate Charles Evans Hughes Democrats-Wilson, “He Kept Us Out of War” Electoral vote Wilson thought he lost when he went to bed California was in doubt for several days
Homework Read Chapter Treaty of Versailles Speeches- Found on Class Website