Possible Jobs: Truck Driver GPA (1.76) Education Options Include : 1.99 High School Diploma
Job Title: Construction Worker Gross Yearly Salary: 33,750 Job Duties:
My highest scored is visual/spatial. I agree with the results because I like to see what I have to do or what I am doing. My lowest is musical/rhythmic and intrapersonal and I agree with the results.
GPA Goal:
Description: an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. A plan listing your income along with all the expenses or costs you have. Definition: How much money you get and how you need to save, and how much you can spend. I will have a budget when I get a job. I will find out how to spend it wisely.
Definition- The amount of money you make with taxes and benefits included. Description- Amount of money you make with taxes and benefits.
Definition-The amount of money you have after taxes and other stuff, the money you bring home. Description-Amount of money you have after you pay taxes and other stuff.
Definition- Amount of money remaining after you pay bills and make payments, you can spend it or save it. Description- Money you can spend or save after you pay bills and make payments.
Federal, State, County Tax: Money taken out of your check for services that support govt. programs (fire, police, streets, teachers, welfare, Food stamps, ….)
Social Security: Retirement money
Medicare: Medical benefit for when you retire, you still pay for it, just less than usual.
IRA, 403, Annuity: A financial product sold by financial institutions that is designed to accept and grow funds from an individual and then, upon maturing, pay out a stream of payments to the individual at a later point in time.
Expense CategoryRecommended %Amount Housing35% Transportation (car)10% Electric5%99.84 Gas Heat5%99.84 Water2%39.93 Insurance8% Medical and Health10% TV/Internet/Phone2%39.93 Groceries (Food)3%59.90 Savings10% Variable Expenses10%199.68
Mortgage- Money lent in advance for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay back.
Defection- What you pay per month for your house.
Total cost 129,000 Monthly Payment: $624 2 story 3 bedroom, 2 full 1 half bath Oven/Range Electric 946 Timber Creek Ln Greenwood, IN 46142
Loan: amount of money someone (bank or credit union) gives you up front to pay for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay it back over time each month, with interest (That extra money they charge you for using their money) Loan: amount of money someone (bank or credit union) gives you up front to pay for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay it back over time each month, with interest (That extra money they charge you for using their money) Lease: Renting instead of buying. You are “back loaded” on the monthly payment…meaning you pay less per month, but at the end, you make that up when buying it, or you have to give them back the car. Usually has stipulations, like paying for full coverage on car insurance and mileage allowance. Lease: Renting instead of buying. You are “back loaded” on the monthly payment…meaning you pay less per month, but at the end, you make that up when buying it, or you have to give them back the car. Usually has stipulations, like paying for full coverage on car insurance and mileage allowance.
Total cost: $13,988 Monthly Payment: $194 6 year loan 4 door 76,244 mi
My goal is to go to collage to be a welder, and make sure I have enough me to take care of me and my family.