Online Education Management Practices Resource:
What to do? Asynchronous (no real time meetings) vs Synchronous/hybrid (real time meetings)
Start of Semester/Set the Tone (slide 1 of 2) Establish/confirm communication method Introductory / Blackboard Learn announcement. Positive supportive tone / reasonable goals / enthusiasm Include a “Call to Action” (see low stakes assessments below) “Week 1 Survey” Indicate frequency and method of instructor communication to students. Implement timely responses to student’s questions / comments / inquiries. Course navigation Path analysis (simplify as possible) Establish expectations Remind students they are in an online course that requires they take active steps. Technical (passwords, software, hardware, , etc.) Conceptually: “Self-Regulated Learner” Course pace (self-paced vs. structured; All at once vs. time sequenced)
Start of Semester/Set the Tone (slide 1 of 2) Introductions Instructor welcome video Purposeful student introductions Use introductions activity as basis for group project. Begin with low stakes assessments that reward participation student experiences/backgrounds, prior knowledge, opinions, website scavenger hunt, learn about a classmate, etc. Use features of course management systems (e.g., BB Learn, Taskstream) to control for: due dates, timely assignments submissions, participation count, assessment communication, etc.
Synchronous/hybrid real-time meetings (Slide 1 of 4) Initial/planning considerations Course learning objectives and goals Student availability / scheduling Hardware (computer, webcam, headset, etc.) Software (meeting software – Collaborate, course software) Internet connection speed Set-up Communicate meeting schedule Required attendance (define as ???) Establish technology failure protocol
Synchronous/hybrid real-time meetings – Flipped Classroom (Slide 2 of 4) Direct instruction moved from the class group space to the individual students’ learning spaces. e.g., Weekly Modules (directions, readings, video support, assessments, etc.) Students are individually responsible for learning the basics of new material outside of class meetings. Need to engage self-regulated learning strategies. Instructor Considerations More engaged/higher level class meetings. Students must be provided preparatory / foundational information to review. Risk: Students are not prepared for class meetings/group space. Increased preparation time needed by Instructor. Regular and varied assessment is key to successful implementation. Resistance: Significant amount of work is sometimes necessary to win students over to this way of conducting class.
Synchronous/hybrid real-time meetings – Flipped Classroom (Slide 3 of 4) Group space used for engagement! Implementation Strategies Good learning objectives Provide information / preparatory activities to students well before meeting. Develop and share a meeting agenda Goal: Application / problem solving / discussion / debate / sharing / practice Assessments: “frequent and small approach” w/ record keeping. Selectively used extra credit or participation based assessments Mix individual and group work Collect real time data (poll, BB Learn quiz, text box, white board, Taskstream and Qualtrics) Knowledge questions / Practice and challenge problems / Discussion outcomes Employ low stakes assessments Prior knowledge / Opinions, Scavenger hunt, One minute paper, Learn about a classmate, etc.). In addition to summative and formative assessments, consider Preformative Assessments Assessments given when students learning individually. Use to inform instructional plan for group space. Act on and share the assessment data!!!
Synchronous/hybrid real-time meetings – Flipped Classroom (Slide 4 of 4) LIMIT “TALKING HEAD” DIRECT INSTRUCTION Direct Instruction Plan for student engagement Questions Use of drawing tools by students to annotate slide presentation during lecture. Class engagement Practice Problems Text box / Blackboard Learn assessment / Whiteboard Whole group discussion Breakout / Small group discussions & sharing
Discussion, Sharing & Questions Thank you!