The Cold War Begins
Economic and Labor Fears Many feared that the economy would sink back into a depression Many feared that the economy would sink back into a depression As manufacturing went down, labor protests went up As manufacturing went down, labor protests went up Many questioned what returning soldiers would do for jobs Many questioned what returning soldiers would do for jobs
Taft-Hartley Act Sought to gain control of labor unions Sought to gain control of labor unions Outlawed “ closed ” shops Outlawed “ closed ” shops Made unions economically liable for damages Made unions economically liable for damages Forced union leaders to take non- communist oaths Forced union leaders to take non- communist oaths
GI Bill of Rights Established after WWII to help veterans attain housing and educational benefits Established after WWII to help veterans attain housing and educational benefits Provided low interest loans and financial benefits Provided low interest loans and financial benefits
Factors for Post War Prosperity U.S. left as the top manufacturer in the world U.S. left as the top manufacturer in the world Government increased spending on military projects Government increased spending on military projects Cheap energy helped fuel America Cheap energy helped fuel America A balance in agricultural production was maintained A balance in agricultural production was maintained
Factors for Post War Prosperity U.S. learned from the domestic and foreign mistakes made after WWI U.S. learned from the domestic and foreign mistakes made after WWI Continual focus on making the “ Sunbelt ” economically viable Continual focus on making the “ Sunbelt ” economically viable Women stayed in the workforce Women stayed in the workforce The middle class doubled in size The middle class doubled in size
Baby Boomers Returning veterans had babies in large numbers Returning veterans had babies in large numbers Refers to babies born right after WWII Refers to babies born right after WWII
Yalta Conference Stalin pledged to allow free elections in Eastern Europe Stalin pledged to allow free elections in Eastern Europe Allies agree to divide Germany into regions until country is stabilized Allies agree to divide Germany into regions until country is stabilized Stalin does not follow through and tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union would only become worse Stalin does not follow through and tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union would only become worse
Bretton Woods Conference Meeting of Western Allies in 1944 Meeting of Western Allies in 1944 Set up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Set up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Sought to regulate the currency exchange rates Sought to regulate the currency exchange rates
United Nations Created in 1945 to maintain world peace and provide humanitarian aid to countries in need Created in 1945 to maintain world peace and provide humanitarian aid to countries in need
Nuremberg Trials War crimes trial held after World War II for former Nazi leaders War crimes trial held after World War II for former Nazi leaders Showed that leaders would be held accountable for actions taken during war Showed that leaders would be held accountable for actions taken during war
Post WWII Germany
Berlin Airlift 1948, Soviet Union blockades Berlin 1948, Soviet Union blockades Berlin Nobody can get in or out Nobody can get in or out U.S. and Great Britain flew food and supplies to West Berlin U.S. and Great Britain flew food and supplies to West Berlin Operation lasts for 327 days Operation lasts for 327 days
Berlin Airlift
Cold War The state of hostilities that existed between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II The state of hostilities that existed between the Soviet Union and the United States after World War II
Iron Curtain The line that separated Communist Eastern Europe and Democratic Western Europe became known as the “Iron Curtain” The line that separated Communist Eastern Europe and Democratic Western Europe became known as the “Iron Curtain”
Containment Policy created by George F. Kennan Policy created by George F. Kennan Intended to prevent the spread of Soviet influence during the 1940’s and 1950’s Intended to prevent the spread of Soviet influence during the 1940’s and 1950’s
Truman Doctrine Said that the U.S. would provide economic and military aid to any “free” (democratic) country that is being threatened by internal or external opponents (communists) Said that the U.S. would provide economic and military aid to any “free” (democratic) country that is being threatened by internal or external opponents (communists)
Marshall Plan U.S. policy to provide economic aid to European countries (and Japan) to help them rebuild after World War II U.S. policy to provide economic aid to European countries (and Japan) to help them rebuild after World War II
Why would the U.S. want to provide economic aid to countries like Germany and Japan after just finishing a bitterly fought war with the two?
National Securities Act Created the Department of Defense as well a the Secretary of Defense as a cabinet position Created the Department of Defense as well a the Secretary of Defense as a cabinet position Created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to gather foreign intelligence (spying) Created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to gather foreign intelligence (spying)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization North Atlantic Treaty Organization An alliance of Western Democracies after World War II to combat Soviet influence An alliance of Western Democracies after World War II to combat Soviet influence
Warsaw Pact An alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe during the Cold War An alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe during the Cold War Led by the Soviet Union Led by the Soviet Union
China Communist leader Mao Zedong leads a successful revolution to gain control over U.S. supported National government Communist leader Mao Zedong leads a successful revolution to gain control over U.S. supported National government
House on un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Formed to investigate communist influence both inside and outside the U.S. government and in Hollywood Formed to investigate communist influence both inside and outside the U.S. government and in Hollywood
Joseph McCarthy Republican Senator who proclaimed the communist were taking over the U.S. Government Republican Senator who proclaimed the communist were taking over the U.S. Government
McCarthyism Attacks on people, often without proof, proclaiming them to be Communist Attacks on people, often without proof, proclaiming them to be Communist Created a new paranoia, especially in Hollywood, about communism Created a new paranoia, especially in Hollywood, about communism People appeared on blacklists People appeared on blacklists
Election of 1948 Failures in China and the seemingly rapid spread of Communism saw Truman as a long shot for re-election Failures in China and the seemingly rapid spread of Communism saw Truman as a long shot for re-election Republican Thomas Dewey seemed destined to win Republican Thomas Dewey seemed destined to win
Election of 1948 Truman outlined his “ Fair Deal ” which would improve upon many New Deal measures Truman outlined his “ Fair Deal ” which would improve upon many New Deal measures Truman won over farmers, laborer, and African-Americans and upset Dewey Truman won over farmers, laborer, and African-Americans and upset Dewey
Korean War United Nation countries, led by the U.S., fought alongside South Korea United Nation countries, led by the U.S., fought alongside South Korea China fought alongside North Korea China fought alongside North Korea Neither side ever gained control over the other Neither side ever gained control over the other