Ionising Radiations Regulations ALARA – As low as reasonable attainable. Minimising dose by reducing time spent in vicinity of isotopes by increasing working distance and by using appropriate shielding. Radioactive Substances Act BPM (Best Practicable Mean) – all users are expected to have available for inspection, written assessments showing the considerations taken into account in disposal of radioactive waste and how that constitutes the use of Best Practicable Means all users are expected to have available for inspection, written assessments showing the considerations taken into account in disposal of radioactive waste and how that constitutes the use of Best Practicable Means 3
4 The Swiss Ordinance The licensing limit “LA” The licensing limit “LA” – –Activity (Bq) derived from the committed effective dose by inhalation » »The intake by inhalation of 1 LA gives a committed effective dose of 5 mSv The incorporation dose factors “ e inh ” and “ e ing ” The incorporation dose factors “ e inh ” and “ e ing ” – –For the considered isotope, the inhalation or respectively ingestion of 1 Bq causes the given effective dose » »Source: Directive Euratom 96/29
5 The Swiss Ordinance : workplaces Workplace classification Workplace classification Activity used per operation and per day (RS Article 69) Laboratory type Activity Class C 1 < LA < 100 Class B 1 < LA < Class A 1 < LA < upper permitted limit
6 Class A laboratories : basic requirements General characteristics General characteristics – –Located away from circulation – –Isolated from other workplaces – –Grouped to form a unit (controlled area) – –Hierarchically organized following risks Ventilation Ventilation – –Minimum air renewal : 5 h -1 – –Hierarchic depression – –“Absolute” filtration – –Release chimney – –Control system (radioactivity, flows, pressures…) – –Backup power supply
7 Class A laboratories : basic requirements Radioactive storage area Radioactive storage area – –Low background for contamination measurements – –External exposure reduction Radioactive release management Radioactive release management – –Gas and aerosol monitoring – –Liquids monitoring (backup reservoir) Isolde release measurement
8 Collective equipment Collective equipment – –Fume cupboards (dynamic confinement) – –Glove box (static confinement) – –Appropriate radiation protection monitors – –Radioactive waste containers – –Decontamination facilities – –“Hot and cold” changing rooms Individual equipment Individual equipment – –Working clothes (overall, gloves, special shoes or overshoes…) – –Breathing protection device Class A laboratories : basic requirements
9 CEA-Marcoule-Atalante Photos: Th. FOULON
10 External exposure risks External exposure External exposure – –Time, distance, shielding » »Hot cells with lead-glass and remote manipulation CEA-Marcoule-Atalante Photo: Th. FOULON CEA-Cadarache-Chicade Photo: E. Joly
11 Internal exposure risks Internal exposure Internal exposure – –The intake of radioactive substances can reach the human organism through 4 different ways: » »Inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, wound Concentration measurement Concentration measurement – –Activity deposited on a filter (aerosol) – –Circulation in a differential chamber (gas) Exposure threshold (“mesure de tri”) Exposure threshold (“mesure de tri”) – –when this threshold is exceeded, it is mandatory to measure incorporation and to determine the committed effective dose » »Expressed in Bqhm -3
Management Structure set up by the University to control work with unsealed radioactive sources – summarised by flow chart RegistrarUltimately responsible for all work carried out at Keele University URPSEnsures compliance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 concerning the holding and disposal of radioactive substances DRPSAuthorises all work including purchases of radioisotopes, advised on safe handling and disposal of isotopes, keeps records on use and disposal of isotopes Project Leader Laboratory Manager Designs and supervises experiments, ensure all relevant regulations are observed within laboratory Radiation workersEnsure safe working practices by carrying out all laboratory work in accordance with the ALARA principal to ensure any dose of radiation received is As Low As Reasonably Attainable 12
Scheme of Responsibility Registrar (Mr Simon Morris) University Radiation Protection Supervisor (URPS) (Dr David Dugdale) Departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor (DRPS) Project Leaders / Laboratory Managers Radiation Workers 13
Summary of responsibilities of workers using unsealed sources It is the duty of all workers to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 (see University Safety handbook) University Radiation Protection Supervisor (URPS: Dr David Dugdale) Ensure compliance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations Ensure compliance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations Departmental radiation Protection Supervisor (DRPS: Authorise all work including purchase of radioisotopes Authorise all work including purchase of radioisotopes Advise on safe handling procedures, and disposal of radioactive waste Advise on safe handling procedures, and disposal of radioactive waste To keep all records of all radioactive waste disposal To keep all records of all radioactive waste disposal Project leader (may be delegated to Laboratory Manager) Design and supervise experiments Design and supervise experiments Training workers in proper handling procedures and local rules Training workers in proper handling procedures and local rules Ensure that all relevant regulations are observed within the laboratory Ensure that all relevant regulations are observed within the laboratory Provide facilities for disposal of radioactive waste Provide facilities for disposal of radioactive waste Arrange removal of radioactive waste to store Arrange removal of radioactive waste to store Ensure local records of monitoring and waste disposal are kept Ensure local records of monitoring and waste disposal are kept 14
Radiation Workers Register with the URPS before beginning any work with ionising radiations Register with the URPS before beginning any work with ionising radiations Proceed with work only when reasonably familiar with, and confident in, the experimental techniques involved- under close supervision initially. Proceed with work only when reasonably familiar with, and confident in, the experimental techniques involved- under close supervision initially. Carry out all laboratory work in accordance with the principal of ALARA, i.e. to ensure any dose of radiation received is As Low As Reasonable Attainable Carry out all laboratory work in accordance with the principal of ALARA, i.e. to ensure any dose of radiation received is As Low As Reasonable Attainable Dispose of all radioactive waste by the appropriate local route Dispose of all radioactive waste by the appropriate local route Keep local records of the generation and disposal of radioactive waste Keep local records of the generation and disposal of radioactive waste Monitor person and work area frequently, including the start and end of each working period. Monitor person and work area frequently, including the start and end of each working period. 15
16 Working methods General rules involving unsealed sources General rules involving unsealed sources – –Work should be conducted in a tray lined with absorbent paper and at least in a fume cupboard – –Use the smallest quantity of radioactivity compatible with the objective of the experiment – –Make a plan and test it if necessary – –Know how to react in case of spill or a personal contamination – –Work carefully, and monitor regularly the work area to avoid accidental contamination – –All radioactive waste must be placed in marked containers – –Never work alone! Ask for RP supervision
17 Working methods Example Example – –Sealed removal of waste or material from glove box » »Put the object in the bag » »Check welding on a test bag » »3 welds at close intervals » »Cut in the middle one » »Monitor gloves, scissors » »Put the sealed object in a second bag and weld it
18 Working methods Critical operations Critical operations – –Caution: undressing (mask, overall and gloves removal) – –Combination of external and internal exposure: wearing heavy protections may extend the time of intervention » »Is there a benefit? – –Small traps: glasses, phone, watch, long hair... CEA-Brennilis-Liquids Treatment Station Photo: A. Gonin
19 Working methods How to react in case of incident How to react in case of incident – –Minor spills involving no radiation hazard to persons » »Confine the spill immediately » »Notify all the other persons in the room » »External decontamination – –Incidents with presumed incorporation » »Vacate the room » »Wear appropriate protection before re-entering the room (for emergency measures) » »External decontamination » »Nasal sample, anthropogammametric scan (whole body, thyroid), urine and/or feces analysis
Important Characteristics of a Radioisotope Example 1. Designation 32 P ( A X) 2. Activity370MBq (MBq or mCi) 3. Radiations emitted ( , or ) 4. Energies of the Radiations0.51MeV (MeV) 5. Frequency of emission95% (% disintegrations) 6.Half-life14 days 20
Common Isotopes 3H3H 14 C 32 P 125 I Type Energy (MeV) Half-life12 y5760 y14 d60 d Target organAny BoneThyroid 21
DOSE Maximum permitted dose = 10 mSv Permitted dose at Keele = 1 mSv Estimating Dose Measure it Measure it -dosemeter (accurate) -personal monitor -film badge -thermoluminescence detector Calculate it Calculate it -assumptions (approximate) Action level: positive film badge/TLD return 22
There are three strategies for dose control 1. Planning of experiments to reduce dose, mechanical interlocks (As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)). 2. Retrospective, film badges 3. Active monitoring, hand-held radiation detectors and swab testing. Planning Always plan experiments so that the minimum amount of radioactivity is used. Always plan experiments with the minimum of sample handling Do not linger in areas where radioisotopes are being used Retrospective Film badges are issued by the DRPS and any reported doses will be invesitigated immediately 23
The Inverse Square Law The Inverse Square Law is a very powerful tool for practical protection against external radiation.- it describes how the intensity of radiation from a radioactive source decreases as you move away from it. The Inverse Square Law is a very powerful tool for practical protection against external radiation.- it describes how the intensity of radiation from a radioactive source decreases as you move away from it. The simple rule to remember is that by doubling the distance the radiation level is reduced to one quarter., by trebling the distance the radiation level is reduced to one ninth, and so on. The simple rule to remember is that by doubling the distance the radiation level is reduced to one quarter., by trebling the distance the radiation level is reduced to one ninth, and so on. 24
Minimising Dose Total dose = dose rate x time Assess potential hazard – get to know your isotope Assess potential hazard – get to know your isotope Minimise external hazard: Minimise external hazard: - minimise time of exposure- planning - keep distance from source - use minimum activity necessary for experiment- planning - use shielding where appropriate Minimise internal hazard Minimise internal hazard - good lab hygiene - good technique Apply liberal quantities of common sense! 26
Alpha particles are very easily absorbed. A thin sheet of paper is sufficient to stop them so they never present a shielding problem. Beta particles are more penetrating than alpha. The best shielding for beta radiation is low density material such as perspex – 6mm thick will stop all beta radiation up to 1MeV. Whilst relatively easy to shield, however, the dose rates from beta radiation can be very high. High density material such as lead will produce the ‘Bremsstrahlung’ effect where energy is emitted as penetrating X rays. Gamma radiation is much more penetrating and is attenuated exponentially when they pass through any material. The most efficient absorbers are highly dense materials such as lead or steel. 27
Shielding The amount of shielding required depends on three things: 1. The type of radiation 2. The activity of the source 3. The dose-rate which is acceptable outside the shielding material 28
Monitoring There are 2 categories of monitors and dosemeters: 1. Contamination monitors – read out in cps and very sensitive 2. Dose ratemeters – which can calculate dose to person in Sv – less sensitive. Use correct monitor for the job in hand. Contamination monitors – 2 types 1. Geiger Muller detector used to detect beta particles, has very thin end window which lets particles through easily. Not very sensitive to gamma rays as they pass straight through it and do not react. 2. Scintillation detector (900 series) has crystal in it with denser medium to stop gamma and react. Beta particles cannot penetrate thick end window, so not detected. Type E has a grill at the end and is most suitable for measuring low levels of leakage radiation. Type E has a grill at the end and is most suitable for measuring low levels of leakage radiation. Different types of monitor for different types and energies of radiation. Different types of monitor for different types and energies of radiation. NB 3 H (Tritium) emits low energy beta which cannot penetrate the detector and is not detected by either monitor. Monitor contamination by swabbing surface and liquid scintillation counting of swab. 29
Active Monitoring Types of emission Each radioisotope has a specific emission spectrum Radioactive decay process Type of active monitoringEmission Swab testingHelium nucleus Soft Mini-instrument type EL probe and swab testing electrons Hard Mini-instrument type EL probe electrons + X ray Mini-instrument type 44 A, B or X probe electromagnetic 30
Monitoring and dose control theory The hazard to the worker associated with various types of emission can be divided into two groups. EmissionHazard External radiationInternal contamination NoneVery serious Skin and eyesSerious Whole body (including internal organs) Minor (except if target organ is small) X rayVery serious 31
CONTAMINATION MONITORING Levels of radiation have to be routinely monitored both within and around all controlled and supervised areas to check for: Presence of enhanced levels of radiation exposure Presence of enhanced levels of radiation exposure Leakage from source housings, waste storage containers etc. Leakage from source housings, waste storage containers etc. Presence of contamination on surfaces from use of unsealed radioactive material Presence of contamination on surfaces from use of unsealed radioactive material Presence of airborne contamination resulting from the release of gaseous materials Presence of airborne contamination resulting from the release of gaseous materials 32
Master Sheet Waste Disposal Section Master Sheet Waste Disposal Section Each time some isotope is removed from the stock bottle, its fate should be recorded in the disposal section as follows: NB the Department isotope code (e.g. B10/09) must be marked on the stock container NB the Department isotope code (e.g. B10/09) must be marked on the stock container DATE: When the isotope was removed from stock DATE: When the isotope was removed from stock AMOUNT USED: Record the amount removed from stock and amount remaining in stock. It is essential that the master sheet completely account for ALL of the isotope originally delivered. For long-lived isotopes, this account must be in activities. For isotopes that significantly decay with time accounting procedures can be in volumes. AMOUNT USED: Record the amount removed from stock and amount remaining in stock. It is essential that the master sheet completely account for ALL of the isotope originally delivered. For long-lived isotopes, this account must be in activities. For isotopes that significantly decay with time accounting procedures can be in volumes. PURPOSE: Indicate type of equipment (optional) PURPOSE: Indicate type of equipment (optional) DISPOSAL ROUTE: If the activity is all used up in one experiment, then the amount used should be accounted for in the first three waste disposal route columns. NB. The disposal limited for liquid organic waste is only 20 Ci/month so be accurate. If the procedure involves preparation of a derivative source to be used in several experiments (eg a radiolabelling prep, make sure you keep track of all the radioactivity. DISPOSAL ROUTE: If the activity is all used up in one experiment, then the amount used should be accounted for in the first three waste disposal route columns. NB. The disposal limited for liquid organic waste is only 20 Ci/month so be accurate. If the procedure involves preparation of a derivative source to be used in several experiments (eg a radiolabelling prep, make sure you keep track of all the radioactivity. 33
Master Sheet Header Section (A new sheet every time some isotope arrives in the School) Master Sheet Header Section (A new sheet every time some isotope arrives in the School) This should be filled in as soon as possible after delivery, as follows: DEPT CODE:a unique code from STORES identifying the delivery (e.g.B10/09)- this code must be marked on the outside of the radioisotope container. SUB-CODE:mark this as MASTER on all master sheets DATE RECVD:date received by stores ACTIVITY REF. DATE: as supplied by Amersham for short-lived isotopes COMPOUND:chemical composition of the isotope source ISOTOPE:radionuclide (I-125, P-32, C-14 etc.) LOCATION:laboratory where isotope is to be kept TOTAL ACTIVITY:as delivered from Amersham (eg 5mCi) TOTAL VOLUME:volume of isotope delivered ASSIGNED TO:person ordering the isotope and who is then responsible for ensuring that proper records are kept of its disposal (Continued below) (Continued below) 34