Color Schemes There are certain groups of colors that work together very well…they might be referred to as Color Schemes. Make sure when using color schemes to select colors that you like. There are some basic color schemes that have worked well for many years…
Primary Colors—The basic 3 colors; cannot be mixed from other pigments; all other colors are made from these (red, blue & yellow) Secondary Colors—made by mixing equal parts of two primary colors (orange, green & violet) Tertiary Colors—made by mixing equal parts of a primary and a secondary color; always named with a primary color first (blue/green)
Monochromatic A color scheme using one color, and tints, tones and shades of that color.
Analogous A color scheme using colors next to each other on the color wheel. Note that even though these are very bright hues of 5 colors next to each other on the color wheel, that they are analogous, even though they are bright.
Complementary A color scheme using colors opposite each other on the color wheel. Note again that even though the colors are dulled red and green, they are still complementary.
Double Complementary A Color scheme using two sets of complementary colors.
Split Complementary A color scheme using one color, and the colors on either side of it’s complement.
Triad A color scheme using three colors equal distance from each other on the color wheel.
Neutral A color scheme using whites, blacks, grays and beiges.
Warm Colors Colors on the warm side of the spectrum…red, yellow, orange.
Cool Colors Colors on the cool side of the spectrum…blue, violet, green.
Choosing Color Schemes… Select your favorite color Add to an established color scheme Select colors based on the feelings or mood you wish to create. Evaluate parts of the room that cannot be changed, then consider color choices that will complement existing furnishings. Select colors that complement a particular work of art (quilt, favorite picture, etc.) Select colors that complement a chosen fabric or wallpaper.
Color Wheel Color Wheel – the basis of all color combinations/ relationships; the basic tool that we use when dealing with color
Hue -- another term for color Value -- the lightness or darkness of a hue; changed by adding white or black Saturation – intensity of a hue
Intensity -- the brightness or dullness of a hue; changed by adding by mixing a hue with its complement Tint -- white added to a color (pink) Shade -- black added to a color (navy blue)