Proposed Traffic Calming Plan for Lafayette Village Drive Community Informational Meeting Mason District Governmental Center, 6507 Columbia Pike in Annandale June 23, 2010, 7 p.m.
Overview of FCDOT Residential Traffic Administration Program (RTAP) Community-driven process Lead by community task force under overall direction by FCDOT Must be local or collector road with 25 mph speed limit to qualify Traffic calming measures based on standard traffic engineering principles, public safety, and financial viability
Primary Steps in RTAP Process Step 1: Study Initiation – Request for initial engineering review and traffic study Step 2: Formal traffic count and speed study Step 3: Development of conceptual plan Step 4: Community meeting Step 5: Community vote Step 6: Fairfax County Board of Supervisors endorses proposed traffic calming plan
Community Vote Ballot area includes all townhouse homeowners who must use Lafayette Village Drive to access their homes Vote conducted by ballot (1 vote per house) Minimum of 50 percent of residences in ballot area must cast and return ballot for vote to be valid 60 percent of ballots cast must vote yes for proposed plan to be approved
Lafayette Village Drive Ballot Area (295 homes)
Why we initiated a traffic Calming Plan Three significant traffic accidents on Lafayette Village Drive in the past eighteen months. Speed and driver inattention were factors in all three accidents
Lafayette Village Drive Traffic Study NB VOLUME564 SB VOLUME 442 NB AVERAGE SPEED 28 SB AVERAGE SPEED 31 NB 85 TH PERCENTILE SPEED 36 SB 85 TH PERCENTILE SPEED 45 Date of Traffic Count: May 13,2009 Qualifications for acceptance into traffic calming program: Avg. speed of 30 mph OR 85 th percentile speed of 35 mph Volume between 600 and 4,000 vehicles per day
Proposed Lafayette Village Drive Traffic Calming Plan Three-way at Trammell Road and Lafayette Village Drive Speed Table between Byrds Nest Pass and Butterfield Lane (closer to BNP) Raised crosswalk at existing painted crosswalk; and Raised Median Island (8 ft. x 30 ft. with 100 ft. taper) below Hancock Forest Trail
Speed Table/Raised Crosswalk
Raised Median Island
Outcome of Installed Traffic Calming Measures on Tuckaway Drive Prior to Installation Post - Installation % Reduction NB VOLUME % SB VOLUME % NB AVERAGE SPEED % SB AVERAGE SPEED % NB 85 TH PERCENTILE SPEED % SB 85 TH PERCENTILE SPEED %
Thank you for attending the Community Informational Meeting to Consider the Proposed Traffic Calming Plan for Lafayette Village Drive For a copy of this presentation, visit