Planner Bell Ringer Group Work Chapter 3 Section 2 Notes Write down three facts you learned from yesterday Planner and Bell Ringer September 20, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Planner Bell Ringer Group Work Chapter 3 Section 2 Notes Write down three facts you learned from yesterday Planner and Bell Ringer September 20, 2011

CHAPTER 3 SECTION 2 The Constitution

Main Idea Compromise would be necessary in order to reach an agreement on the Constitution.

EQ What plans for government did the delegates offer at the Const. Conv? What compromises were agreed upon?

The Virginia Plan James Madison designed the Virgina Plan. It called for a three branch government: -legislative: lawmakers -executive: carry out the laws -judicial: interpret and apply the laws. Two houses in the legislature, which would be based on population of each state.

Opposing Plans Large states liked the Virgina Plan Small states felt they might be ignored. The New Jersey Plan also called for three branches of government. The legislature would have one house and each state would get one vote.

The Compromise Roger Sherman’s committee proposed a Senate and a House of Representatives. Each state would have equal representation in the Senate and House of Representatives would be based on population. The delegates accepted the Great Compromise.

Three-Fifths Compromise Southern States wanted to count enslaved Africans as part of their population. Northeren states opposed this. In the Three-Fifths Compromise, delegates agreed that every five enslaved persons would count as three free persons.

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Slave Trade Northern states wanted Congress to be able to regulate trade Southern states feared this would interfere with their slave trade. They agreed to give Congress the power to regulate trade, but it could not tax exports of interfere with the slave trade before 1808.

How to choose a President Delegates disagreed on whether Congress or the voters should choose the president. The solution was the Electoral College, a group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president. Today, the voters in each state, not the legislators, choose electors.

Federalist Ratification required at least 9 of 13 state conventions to vote “yes.” Supporters of the constitution called themselves Federalists to emphasize that the Constitution would create a system of federalism, a form of government in which power is divided between the federal, or national, government and the states. Federalists argued for a strong central government.

Anti-Federalist Opponents, the Anti-Federalists, wanted more power for the states and less for the national government. They also wanted a bill of rights to protect individual freedoms. Both agreed to add a bill of rights. This promise turned the tide. The Constitution took effect when New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify it.