SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Session 3: Club Administration
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 1. Understand the policies and procedures needed to operate a Rotary Club. 2. Understand the Club’s administrative requirements. 3. Develop new ideas for weekly club programs. Learning Objectives
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Amending the Recommended Rotary Club Bylaws Quorum = 1/3 members Pass 2/3 of Quorum Example: 63 members in a club 21 members are present 14 or more members need to vote yes to amend the bylaws
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Club Reporting Requirements Semiannual Report (dues) Changes in Memberships Changes in Officer or meeting information Information for Official directory CLUBS TO RI CLUBS TO DISTRICT CLUBS TO TRF Clubs Goals using Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs & TRF Fund Development Goal Report Form Monthly attendance figures Use of Rotary Foundation Funds
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Club Administration Committee Responsible for the Club’s administrative activities Club secretary and club treasurer should be members Club secrertary should help fulfill reporting requirements
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Members Access Club presidents and secretary can perform the following functions: View and change club membership data Access semiannual dues report Pay RI per capita dues or other fees Update club data View reports of club contribution to TRF Search club and district data worldwide Register for the RI Convention
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Examples of Rotary Marks
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Naming Guidelines Rotary Club of Bugis Junction
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Meetings to Plan Weekly club meetings Club assemblies Board Meetings Assistant governor visits District governor’s official visit Leadership development program
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Meetings to Promote RI Convention District Assembly District Conference District Rotary Foundation Seminar District Membership Seminar District Leadership Seminar
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Weekly Meetings Delegate the responsibility of arranging programs to the club administration committee Determine programs and create agendas in advance Relate programs to current club projects and activities using Rotary calendar Include programs that update members on Rotary information Begin and end the meeting on time Have a contingency plan in case the scheduled program is cancelled
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Official Visit Official visit is the personal visit of the district governor to each Rotary club in the district official visits can be done with individual or multiple clubs The purpose of the official visit is to o Focus attention on important Rotary issues o Provide needed attention to weak or struggling clubs o Motivate Rotarians to participate in service activities o Recognise the outstanding contributions of Rotarians in the district
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Official Visit Activities Charter night Induction ceremony New member orientation Citation or award programs Rotary Foundation event Intercity meeting
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Resource Assistant governor District governor Club and District support representative The “Running a Club” section at is a suggested club Are there any additional resources?
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 1. Understand the policies and procedures needed to operate as Rotary Club. 2. Understand the Club’s administrative requirements. 3. Develop new ideas for weekly club programs. Learning Objectives
SESSION 3: CLUB ADMINISTRATION District 3310 Assembly 2010/11 Thank You All for Sharing