Quantum II (PHYS 4410) Prof. Chuck Rogers: Office hours: MF 4-4:45P after class, start here and then migrate to Duane F-631 Homework sessions: Thursdays TBA (need a vote) Website: Welcome! to the second semester of quantum mechanics and atomic physics.
Do you have an iClicker? (Set your frequency to CB and vote.) A) Yes B) No 2
Have you looked at the web site for this class, before now? A) Yes B) No 3
(ICLICKER frequency is DB) Have you reviewed the course material from last semester? A)Yes – Griffiths new B)Yes – Griffiths used C)Yes – Griffiths borrowed D)Not really – but I will soon! E)Nope 3
Which of the following is most likely a correct expansion of some general | > in the basis set given by a hermitian operator, Q? A) 5 B) C)Neither in general, because you can’t be sure the Q basis is complete. D)Something else or confused.
Given an expansion of some general | > in the basis set given by a hermitian operator, Q: A) 5 B) C) Both A and B. what is the probability the system is actually in state | q 3 >? D) Ummmm…..
Given an expansion of some general | > in the basis set given by a hermitian operator, Q: A) 5 B) C) Both A and B. what is the probability of measuring q 3 ? D) Neither A nor B
A system was in some general | >: A) as required by reproducibility of measurements 5 B) by the postulates of quantum mechanics C) Impossible to say by Uncertainty Principle A measurement on the system of the observable, Q, gave the result q 3. After the measurement, the system is in state:
In quantum mechanics, do we expect that this equation is derived? A) Yes B) No 4 Probably not… though Feynman became really famous by deriving it via a minimum action hypothesis: Path Integrals. The value is in agreement with experiment.
As plain good sense, we imagine that expectation value of a constant, say, A) zero B) 1 C)Depends upon the wave function D)No idea… E)No, really, no idea. 4 should be: