C2.1(3) Challenges and Modifications to the Constitution “The Civil War Amendments” 13 th (1865): slavery abolished in the U.S. 14 th (1868): citizenship granted to all people born or naturalized in the U.S. 15 th (1870): prohibited states from disenfranchising voters based on race or color This is a “suffrage amendment” (expanded voting rights)
C2.1(3) Other Suffrage Amendments: 19 th (1920): women granted the right to vote 23 rd (1961): resident of D.C. could vote for president 26 th (1971): Lowered voting age to eighteen
C2.1(3) Rights Lost and Gained 18 th Amendment (1920): Prohibited the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol 21 st Amendment ( 1933): Abolished the 18 th Amendment
C2.1(3) How Else Has Gov’t Expanded Rights? (not amendments) Acts of Congress: national laws, though not put in Constitution Civil Rights Act of 1957 Created Civil Rights division to monitor racism, sexism, etc Civil Right Act of 1964 Prohibited discrimination in public places (such as schools) Created commission to monitor discrimination in employment practices
C2.1(3) Voting Rights Act of 1965 Suspended literacy tests for voter qualification Civil Right Act of 1968 Banned discrimination in housing
C2.1(3) SUMMARY QUESTIONS 1.Would Our Nation’s History Have Been Different If Women Could Vote Before 1920? If Yes, How? If No, Why Not? 2.Was Prohibition Consistent With Our American Ideals? Why or Why not? 3.Is The Fact We Had to Have a Civil Rights Movement in This Country a Positive or Negative Thing? Why? 4.Do You Feel Government Should Expand the Rights of Certain Groups or People Today? If So, Which Ones? 5.Of All The Amendments Studied Today, Which Do You Find Most Important? Why?