NSDI Future Directions Governance Report Presentation to the FGDC Steering Committee June 23, 2005
Context for Report Purpose: Investigate and recommend NSDI governance options Challenges: Engaging all stakeholders; building a “national” strategy Process: Organized a diverse 30-person team representative of all sectors of the geospatial community Held outreach sessions and interviews with geospatial groups/leaders Reviewed reports, publications, governance models, Desired Outcome: National governance framework that engages all sectors and includes processes for setting goals, leveraging resources, and ensuring accountability
What We Learned and Heard Strong national NSDI leadership is needed Involvement of all sectors is vital Ensure accountability & develop effective performance measures Create incentives for data collection, sharing and partnerships Increase awareness and education efforts
Key Recommendations 1.Enhance the role and functions of the FGDC 2.Establish a National Geospatial Coordination Council (NGCC) to provide national leadership for the NSDI 3.Improve oversight and management of federal geospatial programs and investments
1. Enhance Role & Functions of FGDC Recommendations for Immediate Action: Ensure strong and active leadership; resume quarterly FGDC Steering Committee meetings Develop an updated FGDC strategic plan & performance measures Accelerate standards development Create, revise and update charters for FGDC Steering Committee and subgroups Support the roles of NSDI liaisons being established by the NGPO/USGS
1. Enhance Role & Functions of FGDC (cont’d) Revise the FGDC annual reporting process to focus on results Develop a communications and outreach strategy Build an investment analysis capability Seek opportunities to collaborate with NASCIO and Federal CIO Council Implement “Fifty States Initiative” Statewide Coordination Councils
2. Establish a National Geospatial Coordination Council (NGCC) Based upon feedback from multiple sectors calling for strong national leadership Establish initially through administrative action, ultimately through legislation Provide national leadership and advocacy for NSDI Membership to include representation from all sectors (federal, state, local, tribal, private sector, non-profit, etc.)
3. Improve Management of Federal Geospatial Programs Create a geospatial investment analysis capability within FGDC –Assist OMB in the analysis of federal geospatial investments, portfolio management, and assessment of ROI Re-establish geospatial leadership function within OMB –Provide active leadership and coordination of national geospatial activities
Decisions The Governance Team recommends the following: –Approval of Recommendations 1 and 3 –Feedback and guidance on Recommendation 2, including approval to continue development and analysis. Final decision on #2 to be made at subsequent Steering Committee meeting.