Uganda THE WORLD BANK SABER-Workforce Development SABER: Systems Approach for Better Education Results SABER-Workforce Development Jutta Franz 29 May 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Uganda THE WORLD BANK SABER-Workforce Development SABER: Systems Approach for Better Education Results SABER-Workforce Development Jutta Franz 29 May 2012 Washington DC

How has Uganda’s WfD system evolved? Strategy Oversight Delivery Summary: Slowly emerging reform of the BTVET sub- sector modeled after international best practice; conceptualization ahead of implementation. Highlights  Comprehensive 10-year sub-sector (BTVET) Strategic Plan approved in 2011, complemented by increased public allocation  Recent reform design based on labor-market and sub-sector analysis and stakeholder feedback Macro context  Economy is growing above SSA average  Development of oil industry will further change economic structure  Emergence of East African market and increasing competition  Huge share of informal sector employment latent > emerging > established > advanced

1. Direction 2. Demand-led 3. Coordination 4. Pathways 5. Funding 6. Standards 7. Relevance 8. Excellence 9. Accountability Strategy Oversight Delivery Close-up: What are the biggest issues?  The urgent need to employ new labor market entrants nurtured high level political interest in skills development  Considerable (identified) skills deficits hamper productivity increases What determines the scores?  Evidence of enhanced political commitment to reform the WfD system  Existing institutional set-up to coordinate WfD stakeholders and interests  Lack of incentives for industry to invest in skills development What are the obstacles to progress?  Fragmented organizational set-up impedes coherent and focused management  Previous reform efforts remained ineffective due to weak sub-sector leadership, lack of commitment to reform in the education sector, and insufficient resources Strategic Framework

1. Direction 2. Demand-led 3. Coordination 4. Pathways 5. Funding 6. Standards 7. Relevance 8. Excellence 9. Accountability Strategy Oversight Close-up: What are the biggest issues?  Development of Uganda vocational qualifications framework (UVQF) to increase labor-market responsiveness  Acknowledgement of the need to diversify funding sources and to improve stakeholder involvement What determines the scores?  New emphasis on non-formal training  Systems in place for recognition of prior learning and non-formal training  Oversight system not designed to ensure labor market responsiveness What are the obstacles to progress?  Low funding and lack of commitment to reform slows down implementation of key reforms (e.g. training levy; UVQF)  Education ministry not prepared to apply mechanisms of employer-involvement in formal training System Oversight

1. Direction 2. Demand-led 3. Coordination 7. Relevance 8. Excellence 9. Accountability 4. Pathways 5. Funding 6. Standards Strategy Service Oversight Close-up: W What are the biggest issues?  Private training sector is thriving even without incentives  Lack of influence of employers on all aspects of training delivery causes low quality and relevance What determines the scores?  Linkages between industry and training institutions are limited  No effective performance incentives for either public or private TVET providers  Emphasis on teacher training is acknowledged and slowly being acted upon What are the obstacles to progress?  Lack of M&E culture prevents analysis of performance and identification of challenges  Centralized/supply-oriented management of public training supply does not allows for swift market responses Service Delivery

What have we learned from Uganda’s experience? Challenges faced  Translate high-level political commitment into implementable reforms  Create institutions that ensure continuous and tangible stakeholder involvement in policy development, planning, financing and implementation of WfD – particularly in matters influencing the world of work Lessons Learned  Being a sub-sector of education can create obstacles to reform (education principles not always conducive for driving WfD reform)  Inputs from development partners are ineffective unless local decision-makers develop a preparedness for reform in response to social and economic circumstances