Spending Time With Your Family Being independent versus spending time with your family Families = strong relationships and reinforced trust
Family: What Is It? What is family? What makes a family? Structure Function What is your definition of family?
Thinking About The Future When you move away from home, what will you miss most about your family? What would you like your relationship to be like with your family now? What makes a family close? Spending time with each other Being open and honest with one another Sharing your feelings and telling one another that you love him/her
The Importance Of Family Why is family important? What do you learn from your parents? What do your parents learn from you? What do you get out of your relationship with your parents? Why would parents want to spend time with you? Why would you want to spend time with your parents?
It is now time to engage in the Activities
Wrap-up What was the importance of today’s session? Why do parents want to spend time with you? What have you learned today and how can this be applied in your own home?