Review of PY12 Board Activities and Decisions Charlie Chadwick, Fellow Past President, NCMA July 29, 2012
Strategic Planning Board had gone through an extensive relook and revision of the strategic plan in PY11 Strategic plan was not revised in PY12. But Board engaged in a long range strategic vision process to supplement –What will the profession look like in 10+ years? –What does the Association need to do to respond ? 2
Strategic Planning Full day session with Board at WC 2011 Chapter engagement by President and Past President Two Concept Mapping exercises with outside consultant Final analysis reviewed at March 2012 Board meeting (thanks to Bill Kaplan for leading us through the analysis) Conclusions handed over to staff for operational implementation Recommend report by ED on progress at future Board meetings 3
Executive Director Transition Executive Director, Neal Couture, resigned effective 12/31/11 Search Committee appointed to recruit new Executive Director. –Chair, Elliott Branch –Former NCMA presidents, Steve Ayers and Lenn Vincent –Current Board members, Russ Blaine and Po Collins –CMLDP graduate, Sara Brown The committee acted independently of the President to insure no undue influence. 37 resumes were received. Down selected these to 6 candidates who were interviewed by the full committee. 4
Executive Director Transition Two candidates were selected for follow-up interviews. Based on these interviews the committee agreed to forward one name as the recommended candidate. At my request, Interim Executive Director and Interim Chief Operating Officer spoke with the candidate. Past President & President conducted final interview. In full agreement that an offer should be extended A consultation period with the Board was entered into on June 14, The Board expressed full agreement with the proposed selection. An offer was extended to Mike Fischetti and accepted on June 22, Mike started as the new Executive Director on July 9,
And a huge expression of gratitude to Al Boykin, Sam Smith and the entire staff for their support during the transition period! 6
Committee Restructuring Review of Board committee structure was undertaken by the Governance Committee at request of President. First reading of recommendations at November 2011 Board meeting with final action at March 2012 meeting Four committees were eliminated, re-designated or their duties combined with another committee: Asset Management; Awards & Honors; Executive Director Assessment; Professionalism Advocacy Board should consider further rationalization of the committee structure 7
New Award Three CMLDP class members met with Board in March to propose a new “Top 40 Under 40” award program –Recognize young professionals –Provide additional focus within Association on this demographic Board approved the program but requested that implementation be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee Awards & Honors Committee and CMLDP members presented implementation plan to EC in June
New Award Renamed Top Professionals Under 40 in Contract Management Award Focuses on young professionals (under the age of 40) who have excelled in the field of Contract Management –Award winners will receive a plaque, one year’s membership to NCMA, and recognition in Contract Management magazine Awards and Honors Committee, with staff, commenced efforts on marketing plan as of July 1 –The award will be announced at the Government Contract Management Conference (GCMC) in 2012 –The first set of awards will be presented at the GCMC in
Association Finances See Finance & Budget Committee report for May 31, 2012 financial statements. Financial statements as of June 30, 2012 (unaudited) will be presented at the July 29, 2012 Board of Directors meeting. 10
Open Items/Concerns Board demographics. –Progress made on gender/race/ethnicity (more to do) –Need focus on younger professionals (under 40) Continued focus on long term future of Association –Experiential learning techniques –Affiliation with other associations –Other aspects of long range vision Future of Aerospace & Defense Conference –Use slot of a Young Professional conference? –Give it a permanent home? –Better promotion/positioning? 11
Open Items/Concerns Continued assessment of committee structure –Have we got it right? –Are we agile enough? –Are we properly aligned with strategic plan, long term vision, governance needs? –Staff and committee alignment? Relationship of association to its chapters on fiscal matters 12