National Reports of The Netherlands Pieter Bartels 13 June 2014
Evolution of the market situation Packaging glass Put on the market kT516kT536kT Collected glass household kT348kT345kT Estimated glass in household waste: 150k ton per year Industrial glass kT80kT36kT Recycling %83%71%
Collection of Flat glass ,8kT85,6kT74,8kT Representing appox. 75% of the new glass set on the market High percentage of flat glass collection in The Netherlands is due to the system/organisation of VRN (Vlakglasrecycling Nederland) ELV Total volume in The Netherlands is approx. 4,5kT Untill ARN was dismanteling car-glass before shreddering As from ARN will stop to pay the fee for dismanteling car-glass, which will be most probably the end of dismanteling car-glass Car-glass will stay in the ASR (Auto Shredder Residue)
Quality aspects Lead controle Vitro ceramics Less fines (0-8mm) Still reducing CSP/(non)-ferro levels Other heavy metals reduction (?)
Authorities Afvalfonds NEDVANG Infrastructuur en Milieu (IenM – before VROM) VA (Vereneging van Afvalbedrijven) …(logistiek…??)
End of Waste (EoW) Sofar not possible to obtain an official certificate End of Waste for processed glass in The Netherlands Maltha is ISO certified 9001/14001 and OSHAS 18001, all done by VERITAS RvA (Raad van Accreditatie), has not accredited a company in The Netherlands to issue an official certification End of Waste
Promotion for glass recycling NEDVANG After many years without any promotion for glass recyling and collection, NEDVANG recently started a promotional campaign Absolute necessary as there has not been any promotion at all Quality of the collected glass is detoriating and quantity is decreasing