Krokodil/ Desomorphine By: Nichole Hansen
About Krokodil: First Synthesized in 1932 and patented in 1934 in the hope of finding a substitute for morphine that would be less nauseous and less addictive. Was used in Switzerland by the brand name Permonid as a pain killer Was declared illegal in Russia in 1998 but made its first real appearance around 2002. Krokodil has since spread to former Soviet Socialist Republics, then to Germany, Poland, and other European countries with Russian populations.
Krokodil in the United States: Krokodil made its first known appearance in 2013 in Joliette, Arizona There were four known cases but the people were kept a secret. "As far as I know, these are the first cases in the United States that are reported,“ said Frank LoVecchio from Banner Good Samaritan Poison and Drug Information Center in Arizona Has now made its way to Illinois, Ohio, and Oklahoma
Acute Effects: Severe anxiety Paranoia Muscle tension Faintness Chills Swelling Teeth and jaw clenching Blurred vision Nausea Dry mouth
Chronic Effects: Rots the skin from the inside out Destroys blood vessels once injected into vessel Gangrene Ulcers Inflammation of liver and kidneys Bone damage Muscle destruction Teeth rooting away Blood poisoning Amputations
Krokodil is a homemade drug made up of: Codeine Lighter fluid Gasoline Paint thinner Alcohol Iodine Hydrochloric Acid Red Phosphorus (Scratched off match boxes)
The drug clumps in the veins as it fails to dissolve completely in the blood and these clumps travel to distant places in the body and start to damage soft tissue.
Withdrawal Effects: Sweating Shaking Headaches Drug cravings Nausea Vomiting Abdominal cramping Diarrhea Inability to sleep Confusion Agitation Depression Anxiety
Facts: A recent U.N. report attributed Krokodil’s emergence to a heroin shortage in Russia. The country’s head drug official has said that a ban on over-the-counter sales of codeine has reduced Krokodil use. And is unlike to be come popular in the United States because unfortunately we have an abundance of OxyContin, Oxycodone, and other opiates.
Facts (continued): It has been estimated that around 100,000 people use Krokodil in Russia and around 20,000 in Ukraine, according to a study that ran in the International Journal of Drug Policy this year. Between 2009 and 2011, the amount of Krokodil seized by law enforcement increased 23-fold. In just the first three months of 2011, 65 million doses were seized. Survival rate is about 2-3 years Potency is about 10 time more potent than both Morphine and Heroine High lasts about 90 minutes at most The drug is either injected or in a pill form
Heroin Desomorphine/Krokodil
Sources: have-come-to-the-us-from-russia horrifying-effects/ us/ media-hype/