WHIMIS Employee Training Created for Employees of Hotel Gallent for Training in WHIMIS Laws
WHIMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System WHIMIS was Created for: Classifying six hazard classes
WHIMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Terminology Hazardous material is called “ controlled production ” Those who manufacture, import, sell, or distribute controlled products are referred to as “ suppliers ” _______________________ ____________
Worker Training CLASS A: COMPRESSED GAS Compressed gases Dissolved gases Gases liquefied by compression or refrigeration
Worker Training CLASS B: FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL Solid Liquid Gas Capable of catching fire in the presence of a spark or open flame under normal working conditions Propane
Worker Training CLASS C: OXIDIZING MATERIAL Increase the risk of fire Flammable or combustible materials Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 slightly increase the burning rate of combustible materials; no spontaneous ignition increase the burning rate of combustible materials moderately; may cause spontaneous ignition severely increase the burning rate of combustible materials can explode to: little amounts heat, some contaminants; and can cause combustibles to ignite spontaneously
Worker Training CLASS D: POISONOUS AND INFECTIOUS MATERIAL Division 1: Materials Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects Cause death or immediate injuryexposed to small amounts Examples: Sodium Cyanide Hydrogen Sulphide
Worker Training CLASS D: POISONOUS AND INFECTIOUS MATERIAL Division 2: Materials Causing Other Toxic EFFECTS Life-threatening and serious long-term health problems To a person who is repeatedly exposed to small amounts _______________________________
Worker Training CLASS D: POISONOUS AND INFECTIOUS MATERIAL Division 3: Biohazardous Infectious MATERIAL harmful micro-organisms Bacteria, fungus
Worker Training CLASS E: CORROSIVE MATERIAL Caustic and acid materials Destroy the skin or eat through metalsSodium Hydroxide Hydrochloric Acid Nitric acid Examples:
Worker Training CLASS F: DANGEROUSLY REACTIVE MATERIAL Self-react dangerously Upon standing Exposed to physical shock or to increased pressure or temperature Emit toxic gases when exposed to water
Thank You For Viewing the Presentation Created By Alexander.U