HIGH SCHOOL Potoichan, Mexico
School construction should be complete in 2008.
Over 75 Students are registered this year
ADULT LITERACY Cochoapa, Mexico
Adults and children take part in this literacy project
Many children have no ongoing experience of School because they are needed to work to help feed their families.
Mission Mexico has given many students new hope through educational projects.
Adult literacy project, Cochoapa, Mexico
COMPUTER LAB Cochoapa, Mexico
Mission Mexico provides new opportunities for learning in remote communities
MMEX provides medical assistance to those in need.
Martina received treatment for Tuberculosis
Pedro (with Fr. Fred) had his sight restored though laser surgery.
EMBROIDERY Xalpitzahuac, Mexico
MMEX provides training and supplies and these women now have an income.
Even the kids help out.
SEWING CO-OP Escalerilla Lagunas,Mexico
MMEX sewing co-ops offer employment opportunities for woman in many villages
HOUSE BUILDING Tijuana, Mexico
Teens & their parents travel to Mexico each year during Spring break to build houses for poor families.