Pink Elephant Showcase
Brief What have we done last week? o Deliverables o Estimations What are we going to do this week? o Deliverables of the Next Week Project Demo 2
Deliverables Project Plan Rev 1.5, 1.6 M7.2 (39 issues – 10% done), M7.3 (57 issues – 46% done) Discussion, Note and Messaging Software Product Manual o Done Project Demo based on New Scenario o On Live 3
Project Plan 4 Trello Project Management Tool
Project Plan 5 Ganttify Extension
Semantic Search 6 Brief information gathered Initial semantic search implementation o getrecommendedGroups method
Estimations Barı ş Özcanlı 7 IssueEstimationActual Coding3,5 hours Testing + Communication 1 hour Total4,5 hours
Estimations Hayri Can Akyel 8 IssueEstimationActual Project Plan Rev 1.51 hour Semantic Search Analysis2 hours Mobile - Create Discussion2 hours Mobile - Create Discussion Revision 1 hour Transfer Project Plan to Trello 2 hours5 hours Project Plan Rev 1.6, Showcase Presentation Week 11, SPM Rev hours GitHub Issue Tracking1 hour Communication2 hours Total14 hours17 hours
Estimations Mehmet Çelikel 9 IssueEstimationActual #206 Logout Service0,5 hours #201, #178 Initial Semantic Search Implementation for Recommended Groups 4 hours3 hours #148 Messaging4 hours #146 Search User0,5 hours #204, #203, #200, #187, #186, #180 Refactoring 2 hours4 hours #202, #183 Bugfixing2 hours Communication2 hours Total13 hours14 hours
Estimations Orkun Koçyi ğ it 10 IssueEstimationActual Implementing Join Group, Leave Group, List Popular Groups 4 hours3 hours Developing Data Model1 hour1.5 hours Communication0.5 hours1 hour Code Refactoring2 hours2.5 hours Bug Fixing1 hour0.5 hour Total8,5 hours
Estimations Recep Günay 11 IssueEstimationActual Coding8 hours Communication1 hour Total9 hours
Estimations Sinan Can Sürücü 12 IssueEstimationActual Bugfixes2 hours Discussion Functions Development 4 hours5 hours Discussion Functions Testing0,5 hours Note Functions Development2 hours Note Functions Testing0,5 hours Github issue tracking1 hour Communication2 hours Total 12 hours 13 hours
Estimations 13 EstimationActual Analysis & Coding46,5 hours48,5 hours Documentation & Issue Tracking 8 hours11 hours Communication8,5 hours9 hours Total63 hours68,5 hours
Deliverables of Next Week Project Plan Rev 1.7, 1.8 Software Product Manual Rev 1.1 M8.2 - Search and Bugfixes M8.3 - Search and Bugfixes Project Demo 14
Thank you! 15 We will continue to the showcase with the project demo.