4,500 miles along west coast of South America They rise at some points to 20,000 feet—same height as twenty 100 story buildings stacked on top of each other! 2 nd largest mountains in the world--Himalayas are the 1 st.
Located in Brazil, in the Amazon River Basin It is the largest tropical rain forest in the world. It covers 1/3 of the continent of South America.
It is located in Chile. Between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains It’s one of the driest places on earth; very little rainfall year round.
It’s the 2 nd largest river in the world (1 st is the Nile River). It stretches 4,000 miles from Peru across to Atlantic Ocean. The river contains 20% of all fresh water in the world! It serves as a natural highway where it’s hard to build roads. It provides food and hydroelectric power.
World’s largest ocean Covers the western coast of South America
A Brief History of South America
Francisco Pizzaro From Spain Landed on coast of Peru in 1531 Used his weapons, horses, and soldiers to conquers the Incas Explored and conquered much of western South America for Spain
European Colonies Spanish colonized western South America Portuguese colonized eastern South America
South America – Climate Regions
Hot to Mild Climates Most of Latin America lies within the Tropics – The area between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn – Receives the most sunlight throughout the year – Warm temperatures year round
Tropical Wet Climate Year-round hot temperatures and heavy rainfall Rain forest- dense group of trees and other plants that receives high amounts of rainfall Amazon Rain Forest – Has more plants and animals than anywhere else on Earth – Canopy- the trees grow so close together they form an umbrella shaped covering
Tropical Dry Climate Savanna area that has hot temperatures and abundant rainfall. Can also experience a long dry season From June-November strong hurricanes strike this climate area
El Nino Weather in South America is affected by this storm Caused by changes in air pressure, temperature, and rainfall Occurs in the Pacific Ocean Winds carry heavy rains that cause flooding on Peru’s coast It also brings a long dry season to Northeast Brazil
Economy of South America South America has abundant minerals and fertile land. Many countries mine minerals, like gold, lead, iron ore, and petroleum, to export to other countries. South America has some very large farms that produce goods to export, such as bananas, beef, sugar, grain, wool, and coffee. Countries like Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, and Argentina are important in manufacturing. Other countries do not have the money needed to develop in manufacturing, so they must cooperate economically with other countries to succeed. Free-Trade Zone of the Americas allows people and goods to move across borders With reduced or eliminated taxes
Economic Indicators are statistics that show how a country's economy is doing. This can include literacy rate and life expectancy averages. Make a note of the country that has the highest life expectancy and literacy rate. Make a note of the country with the lowest literacy rate and life expectancy. What can you infer from the results/