Agenda Begin Advertising Unit 1 - Advertising Presentation 2 - TV Ad examples Company Message and Branding 3 - Work on Advertising Group Projects (see handout) 4 - Begin thinking about the company you will advertise… you can create an ad for the logo you created
LAYOUT OF FINAL LOGO DESIGN: Top Half of Page: Approx 1” width logo in b/w Approx 4-5” logo in b/w upper left: - company name - colors used with 1/4” swatch squares and named Pantone color - fonts used Bottom Half of Page: Approx 1” width logo in color Approx 4-5” logo in color upper left: - company name - colors used with 1/4” swatch squares and named Pantone color - Fonts used * your fonts should be outlined for submission to turn in folder
What to turn in for this project: 1 - Final logo sheet (seen at right >) with all 4 versions (small/big, bw and color) Type must be outlined 2 - Logo checklist (handout) 3 - Original sketches (pencil) 4 - Illustrator “sketches” (step 4) with 10 designs that you digitized 5 - Color versions 2 color, 3 color, meshed version… etc. all the combinations you tried out before getting to your final version 6 - put ALL items into a folder with your name (except checklist) and submit to turn in folder by beginning of the class on Friday!