Branding Branding is the use of a name, design, symbol, or a combination of those elements that a sports or entertainment organization uses to help differentiate its products from the competition
Branding mechanisms Brand mark Logo Trademark Graphics When a brand name or trade name is registered, it also becomes a trademark A trademark is a device that legally identifies ownership of a registered brand or trade name
Guidelines for a successful brand Positive, distinctive and generates positive feelings and association Easy to remember and pronounce Logo is easily recognizable Implies the benefits the sports or entertainment product delivers Consistent with the image of the rest of the product lines and company/organization and/or city Legally and ethically permissible
Brand building a. Brand awareness The process of working toward maximizing recognition of a particular brand b. Brand image Consumer perceptions linked to a particular brand (health, excitement, fun, family etc.)
Brand building c. Brand equity The value placed on a brand by consumers Nike has strong brand equity because consumers have long associated the brand with top level athletes and quality products d. Brand loyalty Consumer preference
Forms of branding A corporate brand represents an entire company or organization Pepsi-Cola McDonalds Frito-Lay b. A product brand represents a particular product of a company or organization Diet Pepsi Chicken McNuggets Fritos
Store brands (also called private labels) are the products retailers sell as their own brands Gander Mountain, an outdoor sports store, carries brand name merchandise from Columbia Sportswear and Wrangler, but also offers many products under the label of Gander Mountain
Brand extension refers to the use of a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product or service in a new market Celebrities and athletes in today’s marketing age are becoming managers of their own brands Get with a partner and come up with as many examples of brand extension as you can.