List 24
Root words= sum, sullen, strive Prefixes= ad-movement Suffixes= it-state/condition, y-made up of, age-action or process
Summit- noun- the highest point or part.
Elite- noun- persons of the highest rank or class.
Dwell- verb- to linger over or ponder in deep thought
Adept- adjective- very skilled; expert; professional.
Vicinity- noun- an area or region that is near or about a place.
Jeopardy- noun- hazard or at risk to loss, injury, death, etc.
Sullenly- adverb- showing irritation or ill humor.
Chronicle- noun- a history or order of events.
Strive- verb- to try hard or exert oneself vigorously
Heritage- noun- something that comes about by reason of birth or inheritance.