Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory The Advanced Computing and Information Systems Laboratory José Fortes Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Dep. of Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory History + statistics Founded 8/10/ people “associated” UF ECE/CISE faculty Also 10 + “associated” faculty from Purdue, CMU, U. Colorado, Northwestern U., U. Mass. Secured over 6 M dollars in funding Approximately 1.5 M of subcontracts NSF, NASA … Establishing computer infrastructure/lab computer cluster, 1 powerful mainframe Connected to clusters at Purdue, Northwestern, Stevens I. Actively hiring students and seeking research collaborations with industry
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory ACIS areas of work Distributed Computing Information Processing Nanocomputing Grid computing Digital government Delay architectures Bio-inspired architectures Intelligent sensors Memory chips Processing In-memory
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory ACIS funding sources Distributed Computing Information Processing Nanocomputing Grid computing Digital government Delay architectures Bio-inspired architectures Intelligent sensors Memory chips Processing In-memory NSF SRC NASA INAC NASA INAC NASA INAC NSF IBM
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory ACIS work on grid-computing Distributed Computing Information Processing Nanocomputing Grid computing Digital government Nanohub nCn Computer Arch Netcare Computer Arch ACM Sigmicro VLSI design OAS CICCAD Coastal modeling Brain machine Interfaces In-VIGO PUNCH
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory Example of collaborative efforts VM-based grid middleware research CISE/IT research Education and engineering applications Virtualized end resources Monitoring & prediction Interactive computing Virtual file systems Data management Cycle selling Security Auction-based computing Power-aware parallel CAD compilation algorithms Distributed knowledge applications Medical imaging & data archiving Light-scattering spectroscopy Mixed non-linear optimization Bio-inspired nanocomputing Sigmicro computer center BMI data center Netcare U. of Florida Northwestern U. Su Kao Banerjee Principe Brain-machine interfaces for cognitive prostheses Transnational digital government Other researchers Dinda Krsul Fortes George Figueiredo
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory Example of shared resources Stevens cluster Purdue clusters NCSA cluster U. Florida clusters MPI/PVM MPI/PVM/Globus-based distributed application or system In-VIGO
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory Growing resources Sun Enterprise servers (3 E450, 1 E250; 14 CPUs) Existing setup On order/ planned expansion Development cluster (4 PowerEdge, 8 CPUs) IBM eSeries Virtual cluster (64 CPUs) GbE switch IBM zSeries mainframe (1-way, 3.36TB storage) RAID array (1.2TB) Benton Hall 10/100 switch GB switch (to UFL Core routers, Abilene) 64-CPU virtual cluster, 1TB RAID Northwestern Univ. Internet Larsen Hall
Advanced Computing and Information Systems laboratory Conclusions We’re living in interesting ACIS Grid computing Basic research Production-quality software systems with users throughout the world Growing infrastructure