“The world needs mercy but does not even realise it” John Paul 11.


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Presentation transcript:

“The world needs mercy but does not even realise it” John Paul 11

We need a church capable of re- discovering the maternal womb of mercy Pope Francis

Imagine a world without mercy - a CIA world Cold Cruel Callous Calculating Critical

Individualistic Isolated Insecure Intolerant Indifferent

Angry Apathetic Anxious Afraid Antagonistic Armed

Imagine a world with mercy : W - welcoming and warm A - alive, affectionate, accepting R - restored, renewed, refreshed M - merciful, magnanimous, T - tender and trusting H - healing, hope, happiness HEAVEN ON EARTH

“I have asked the church to re-discover the richness encompassed by the spiritual and corporal works of mercy... the concrete signs of mercy as Jesus taught.” Misericordiae Vultus

What does love look like? Love has hands to help others It has eyes to see misery and want It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of others That’s what love looks like. St Augustine

The Corporal Works of Mercy


To feed the hungry To give drink to the thirsty To clothe the naked To visit the sick To welcome the stranger To visit the imprisoned To bury the dead.

This is the way we reach out to the poor and those in need- particularly material and physical needs.

The disadvantaged and disabled The homeless and those written off Those who don’t fit in and the lonely The strangers and the migrants The forgotten and the neglected Those in real need and the feckless

FEED THE HUNGRY Support food banks and drop-in centres Support Cafod - against hunger Avoid wasting food

What can we do?

GIVE DRINK TO THE THIRSTY support Cafod’s campaign for wells look at different kinds of thirst – for friendship, company, information: what can we do? help people to ‘belong’ and meet their needs

Woman died of thirst in hospital Have I ever known real thirst?

SHELTER THE HOMELESS AND WELCOME THE STRANGER Is there a drop-in shelter near you? Migrants and asylum seekers? Housing for low-income people How can we change attitudes of suspicion?

How can we help?

VISIT THE IMPRISONED Prison visiting? support for prisoners’ families other forms of imprisonment – housebound, chronic illness etc

Who are the imprisoned?

CLOTHE THE NAKED Go through your drawers and wardrobes and see what you can do without - donate to charities Knit blankets, shawls, balaclavas for seamen Support the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society

What can I do without?

VISIT THE SICK Spend quality time with those who are sick or housebound Send a card or an to someone who is sick; Accompany a friend to a medical appointment

Have I got time to visit someone?

BURY THE DEAD Participate in a bereavement ministry; Send sympathy cards to families of those who have died. Make sure mourners are supported at funerals A card to remind them of the service

Can I pray for the dead and their families?

At the end, we will be judged on how well we have fulfilled the works of mercy. Christ’s words in Matt 25: “Come you whom my Father has blessed; take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you......

For I was hungry... thirsty.. a stranger... naked.... sick.... in prison. WHEN LORD? As long as you did it to the least of my brethren you did it to me

Lord, help me to be more like your Son; help me to see others as he did; when they are hungry, may I feed them; When thirsty, give them a drink; When I see the poor, give them hospitality and help to clothe them. Give me the courage to come to the aid of those imprisoned in mind or body; And Lord, give me the compassion to bury the dead and to console the afflicted. Help me Lord, to be your Son to others.