6th Grade Social Studies Unit 3, Lesson 7: Urbanization
Urbanization the movement of people from rural to urban areas
The History of Urbanization Four Old World River Valley Cultures. Brooklyn college of the City University of New York. 30 November 2012 <http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/images/riv-vall.gif>. 10,000 – 5,500 years ago
The Industrial Revolution Cities and the Industrial Revolution. 30 November 2012 <http://forquignon.com/history/global/industrial_revolution/factory_town.jpg>. 260 – 160 years ago
After World War II 1945 - 2012 Lagos, Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria. Country Files. Word Press. 30 November 2012 <http://africasacountry.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/getimage.jpeg>. 1945 - 2012
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
An Urban World. Unicef. 30 November 2012 <http://www. unicef
Comparing Country Data ACTIVITY Comparing Country Data
A Country Example Urbanization in China. World Resources Institute. 30 November 2012 <http://www.wri.org/files/wri/china_urban_population.png>.
Xi'an, The southern edge in 2005 Urbanization in China “China's rapid urbanization in bird's eye pictures.” Urbanization in China. 30 November 2012 <http://urbanlabglobalcities.blogspot.com/2011/12/chinas-rapid-urbanization-in-birds-eye.html>. Xi'an, The southern edge in 2005
Xi'an, The southern edge in 2009 Urbanization in China “China's rapid urbanization in bird's eye pictures.” Urbanization in China. 30 November 2012 <http://urbanlabglobalcities.blogspot.com/2011/12/chinas-rapid-urbanization-in-birds-eye.html>. Xi'an, The southern edge in 2009
Xi'an, The southern edge in 2010 Urbanization in China “China's rapid urbanization in bird's eye pictures.” Urbanization in China. 30 November 2012 <http://urbanlabglobalcities.blogspot.com/2011/12/chinas-rapid-urbanization-in-birds-eye.html>. Xi'an, The southern edge in 2010
Urbanization in China By the end of the 1940s, China had only 69 cities. In 2007, it had 670 cities, almost ten times as many. Increasing urbanization is the result of migration from villages, as well as natural increase, leading to the expansion of small towns which have been reclassified as cities. Of these cities, 89 have a population of over a million, compared to 37 in the United States and 32 in India. “China's rapid urbanization in bird's eye pictures.” Urbanization in China. 30 November 2012 <http://urbanlabglobalcities.blogspot.com/2011/12/chinas-rapid-urbanization-in-birds-eye.html>.
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
Analyzing Data on Megacities ACTIVITY Analyzing Data on Megacities
Why do people move to cities? Possible Push Factors Possible Pull Factors
Why do people move to cities? Jobs More opportunities A chance for a better life Education A greater variety of goods A greater variety of cultural activities
The Need for an Urban World “Massive urbanization is the only way the world can survive the massive population increase. Urban areas offer a higher life expectancy and lower absolute poverty, and can provide essential services more cheaply and on a larger scale than rural areas. The problem has never been that cities are worse places to live - they are in fact much better for the poor - the problem is that cities have more and more people living in them and relying on their services.” - Dr. Mathias Hundsalz, coordinator of the United Nations Habitat Report “Backgrounder 2.” Global Report on Human Settlements. United Nations Cyber School. 30 November 2012 <http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/habitat/background/bg2.asp>.
Which area would be easier to supply with water and electricity? Urban Rural
ACTIVITY Analyzing Cartoons http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2010-11/25/content_11605987.htm
What are some problems of urbanization? World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>. What are some problems of urbanization?
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 30 November 2012 <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/ppt/CSIS/WUP_2011_CSIS_4.pdf>.
Property of Oakland Schools Author: Carol Egbo Editors: Amy Bloom and Kimberly Hase Galek