Charles W. (Andy) Anderson Michigan State University Conference of the Ecological Society of America Milwaukee, August 6, 2008 Approaching Ecological Literacy from the “Bottom Up”
Contributors People: Brook Wilke, Joyce Parker, John Merrill, Merle Heideman, Tammy Long, Gail Richmond, Diane Ebert-May, Janet Batzli, Lindsey Mohan, Jing Chen, Beth Covitt, Kristin Gunckel, Hsin-Yuan Chen, Edna Tan, Josie Zesaguli, Blakely Tsurusaki, Ed Smith, Jim Gallagher from Michigan State University; Janet Batzli from University of Wisconsin; Chris Wilson from BSCS; Laurel Hartley form University of Colorado, Denver; and Mark Wilson, Karen Draney, Yong-Sang Lee, and Jinnie Choi from University of California-Berkeley Projects: MSU Environmental Literacy Project, Center for Curriculum Materials in Science, NSF CCLI - Developing Diagnostic Question Clusters for Tracing Matter, NSF CCLI –Diagnostic Question Clusters to Improve Student Reasoning and Understanding in General Biology Courses, NSF ROLE - Developing a research- based learning progression for the carbon cycle: Transformations of matter and energy in biogeochemical systems
Parts of This Presentation 1.What’s at stake? Looking at ecological literacy from the bottom up. 2.Learning progressions: Combining top down and bottom up approaches 3.Research results on upper and lower anchors: From forces to laws 4.Research results on intermediate levels: How do students get here from there? 5.Reconsidering what’s at stake: Priorities for science education
1. What’s at stake? Looking at ecological literacy from the bottom up.
Top Down vs. Bottom Up “Top down” approach to ecological literacy: Consult experts to see what knowledge and practices are most important. “Bottom up” approach: Study learners’ ideas and understanding to see what knowledge and practices are most attainable.
Literacy as Reading One measure of ecological literacy: The ability to understand and critically evaluate scientifically-based arguments about socio-ecological issues, such as: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. ESA position statement on biofuels Opposing arguments
Excerpt from ESA Biofuels Position Statement [Compared crops intensively managed to maximize yields] Lower yields from an unfertilized native prairie, for example, may be acceptable in light of the other benefits provided by native plants in an agricultural landscape. These include: Minimized flooding and increased groundwater recharge [water]; Enhanced carbon sequestration in the soil because tilling would be unnecessary [carbon]; Genetic diversity [biodiversity];….
Question: Are these publications just for the experts, or do members of the general public need to understand them?
What Do People Understand? Students Taking Pilot Test on Carbon- transforming processes Science majors taking initial cell biology course at Michigan State University College chemistry is prerequisite for course 23 students answered this question on first day of class
An Example Question Gasoline is mostly a mixture of hydrocarbons such as octane: C 8 H 18. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false about what happens to the atoms in a molecule of octane when it burns.
True or False Some of the atoms in the octane are incorporated into carbon dioxide in the air. True is correct answer How many students would you guess answered “true?” 20/23 answered “true.”
True or False Some of the atoms in the octane are incorporated into air pollutants such as ozone or nitric oxide. False is correct answer How many students would you guess answered “true?” 16/23 answered “true.”
True or False Some of the atoms in the octane are converted into energy that moves the car. False is correct answer How many students would you guess answered “true?” 15/23 answered “true.”
This is NOT a “trick question” Consistent with general patterns in student responses. Other examples with similar patterns: –Plant growth (mass comes from the soil) –Weight loss in humans (mass converted to energy) –Decay (mass is consumed or returned to the soil Key aspects of student reasoning –Difficulty tracing matter through chemical changes involving gases and solids or liquids –Energy as “fudge factor”
Excerpt from ESA Biofuels Position Statement [Compared crops intensively managed to maximize yields] Lower yields from an unfertilized native prairie, for example, may be acceptable in light of the other benefits provided by native plants in an agricultural landscape. These include: Minimized flooding and increased groundwater recharge [water]; Enhanced carbon sequestration in the soil because tilling would be unnecessary [carbon]; Genetic diversity [biodiversity];…. Question: What does “enhanced carbon sequestration in soil” mean to these students?
Why Should We Care? Tom Friedman on Egyptian regime spending: –Fuel subsidies: $11 billion/year –Education: $6 billion/year –“…the pain of removing the subsidies would be politically suicidal.” John McCain on offshore drilling: And with gasoline running at more than $4 a barrel... a gallon... I wish... $4 a gallon, many do not have the luxury of waiting on the far-off plans of futurists and politicians
Conclusions People, and politicians, will ignore what the experts say if the message is painful and they don’t understand it. This is a problem for science education
2. Learning progressions Combining top down and bottom up approaches
Learning Progressions: Combining Top Down and Bottom Up “Learning progressions are descriptions of the successively more sophisticated ways of thinking about a topic that can follow one another as students learn about and investigate a topic over a broad span of time.” (NRC, Taking Science to School, 2007)
Learning Progressions Include: Upper anchor: Societal expectations and values (top down) Lower anchor: Results of research on understanding of learners at the beginning of the age span (bottom up). Intermediate levels of understanding that link lower and upper anchors
Upper Anchor: Processes in Socio-ecological Systems (Loop Diagram based on LTER Decadal Plan)
Criteria for Validation of Learning Progressions Conceptual coherence: a learning progression should “make sense,” in that it tells a comprehensible and reasonable story of how initially naïve students can develop mastery in a domain. Compatibility with current research: a learning progression should build on findings or frameworks of the best current research about student learning. Empirical validation: The assertions we make about student learning should be grounded in empirical data about real students.
Development and Validation: An Iterative Process Develop initial framework (upper anchor, lower anchor, intermediate levels) Develop assessments (e.g. written tests, interviews) and/or teaching experiments based on the framework Use data from assessments and teaching experiments to revise framework Develop new assessments….
3. Research results: Upper and lower anchors From forces to laws
Unit of Analysis: Knowledge and Practice Practices of Ecologically Literate Citizens Inquiry: developing accounts by learning from experience Accounts: using scientific knowledge to explain and predict Citizenship: making environmentally responsible decisions based on accounts Private roles: learner, consumer, worker Public roles: voter, volunteer, advocate
Strands: Types of Accounts Carbon: Processes that generate, transform, and oxidize organic carbon in socio-ecological systems Water: Processes that move and transform water, and substances in water in socio-ecological systems Biodiversity: Processes that affect survival, growth, reproduction, and selection of organisms in socio-ecological systems
Processes We Ask About Carbon: plant and animal growth, animal movement, decay, combustion Water: rain and snow, water soaking into the ground, springs, wells, lakes and streams, water pollution and purification Biodiversity: organisms living their life cycles, evolution, succession
Lower Anchor: Balance of “Forces” Force-dynamic causation: Things happen because of the interplay of “forces” –“Natural tendencies” of organisms (plants, animals), materials (water), or other agents (flames) –Enablers that help agents to express their natural tendencies (e.g., food, air, water, warm conditions –Antagonists that work against expression of natural tendencies Strongest force wins!
Scientific Explanations: Hierarchy of Systems and the Rule of Law Hierarchy of systems at different scales. From macroscopic, visible processes and systems to: –Explanations of mechanisms based on hidden subsystems and –Explanations of contexts that connect accounts in space and time. Principles or laws that always apply in their domains. From strongest force wins to all parts of the system are constrained by principles: –Conservation of matter (mass and atoms) –Conservation of energy –Fixed genetic resources for every organism
Competing Views of Science of Global Climate Change NASA scientists (e.g., James Hanson): Scientific research is governed by principles--replicability of data, falsifiability of models, etc. Bush administration is breaking the rules. Bush administration: These scientists are all Democrats. They are our antagonists, so they shouldn’t be expecting us to act as their enablers.
Lower Anchor Explanations of Events Eating and growth (carbon): Food goes to your stomach, then it helps you to grow (food enables your natural tendency to grow) Puddle soaking into the ground (water): Water is “soaked up” by the ground (natural tendency of water to run downhill and ground to soak it up) Development of dog breeds (biodiversity): dogs adapt to living with humans (natural tendency of animals to adapt; humans enable adaptation)
Scientific Explanations of Events Carbon: We explain growth by tracing food molecules through digestion, transport in blood, biosynthesis in cells Water: We trace water and dissolved/suspended substances as they enter groundwater. Biodiversity: humans breed dogs selectively. Thus dogs with genetic traits that we like survive and reproduce.
4. Research results: Intermediate levels How do students get here from there?
Linking Processes: Grouping and Explaining Carbon-transforming Processes Black: Linking processes that students at all levels can tell us about Red: Lower anchor accounts based on informal cultural models Green: Upper anchor accounts based on scientific models
Linking Principles: Comparing Elements of Accounts Life: What is the difference between living and non-living systems? –Lower anchor: “Vital force” or natural tendency of living things –Upper anchor: Tracing matter (cellular metabolic processes) and tracing information (homeostasis and genetics) Matter: What’s the “stuff” in processes –Lower anchor: Visible parts of systems, including flames, excluding gases –Upper anchor: Chemical substances, made of atoms and molecules that can be transformed according to chemical principles
Linking Principles: Comparing Elements of Accounts Cause/agency: What makes things happen? –Lower anchor: Balance of “forces:” natural tendencies, enablers, antagonists –Upper anchor: Second Law of Thermodynamics: Degradable energy Energy: What is energy? –Lower anchor: All purpose enabler, fudge factor –Upper anchor: Constraint on processes Scale: Mechanisms and contexts –Lower anchor: “Forces” change visible things –Upper anchor: Hidden atomic-molecular mechanisms, connections through large-scale systems and processes
Intermediate Levels: Upper Elementary through College Level 4: Successful principled, model-based reasoning about processes in socio-ecological systems (high school standards). Level 3: “School science” narratives of processes in systems (middle school standards). Level 2: Events driven by hidden mechanisms (elementary standards). Level 1: Macroscopic accounts based on force- dynamic causation (natural tendencies with enablers or antagonists) and linked by informal cultural models
Level 4 Reasoning about the Carbon Cycle Combustion, cellular respiration Photosynthesis Matter: CO 2, H 2 O, and minerals Matter: Organic matter & O 2 Biosynthesis, digestion, food webs, fossil fuel formation Movement of CO 2, H 2 O, and minerals Energy: Sunlight Energy: Chemical potential energy Energy: Work & heat
Level 1 Reasoning about the Carbon Cycle Plants grow: Natural tendency enabled by sunlight, water, air, soil nutrients Animals eat and grow: Natural tendency enabled by food, air, water, exercise Plants and animals die: Natural tendency enabled by age, disease, etc. Dead things decay and enrich the soil: Natural tendency enabled by moisture, soil, warmth
Level 2 Reasoning about the Carbon Cycle Animals Plants Carbon dioxide Oxygen Decay Plants NutrientsFood chains Sunlight The oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle Energy sources for plants: sunlight, nutrients, water Energy sources for animals: food, water Decomposers don’t need energy
Carbon Examples Where does the weight of an oak tree come from? Level 1 example: I think its leaves. Leaves comes from trees; the weight comes from when a plant grows the weight also grows bigger Level 2 example: I think the plant's increase comes from the minerals in the soil help it increase weight. Level 4 example: The plants increase in weight comes from CO 2 in the air. The carbon in that molecule is used to create glucose, and several polysaccharides which are used for support.
Water Accounts Types of processes: movement of water, substances in water Level 1 accounts: surface water running downhill, underground ponds; “pollution” as quality of water rather than materials in water Level 4 accounts: flow of water (visible and invisible) through watersheds; other materials going in and out of solution and suspension
Water Example Question If a water pollutant is put into the river at town C, which towns (if any) would be affected by the pollution?
Water Example Responses Level 1 example: B,C - cause they are closer. Level 2 example: A, B - These towns would be affected is that towns A and B are connected to C so that the pollutant would spread through C to A and B rivers causing a problem. Level 4 example: A - Since the river will run downhill to a large body of water, it can't go upstream to B and it is not connected to D. On the way to the lake it crosses by A.
Biodiversity Accounts Types of processes: Individual life cycles in niche and habitat, evolution, succession Level 1 accounts: Individuals adapt to environment, undifferentiated landscapes Level 4 accounts: –Individuals live or die with fixed genetic resources –Evolution as change in populations caused by reproduction and selection –Succession as change in ecosystems caused by “selection” of populations
Biodiversity Example Question Farmers often use pesticides to help prevent insects from eating their crops. Over time, the insects slowly become resistant to these pesticides, and so the farmers have to use different pesticides to protect their crops. Tell a story about how the insects become resistant to the pesticides.
Biodiversity Example Responses Level 1 example: Their bodies try to fight off the pesticides. Once they figure out how to fight them it's easy for them to fight so the pesticides no longer work. Level 2 example: The insects eventually become immune to the pesticides because when one insect takes it in, then they reproduce there is already pesticides in the offspring so they are used to it and the pesticide doesn't really affect them. Level 4 example: When the crops are sprayed some bugs are killed but some may live and when the living mate they will give their kids genes to help them survive through the pesticides so the bugs adapt to the pesticides and because the bugs reproduce fast and don’t live long it doesn't take long for them to adapt to the pesticides.
5. Reconsidering what’s at stake Priorities for science education
Excerpt from ESA Biofuels Position Statement Lower yields from an unfertilized native prairie, for example, may be acceptable in light of the other benefits provided by native plants in an agricultural landscape. These include: Minimized flooding and increased groundwater recharge [water]; Enhanced carbon sequestration in the soil because tilling would be unnecessary [carbon]; Genetic diversity [biodiversity];….
Accomplishments and Challenges These “simple” statements come from a world view shared by ecologists who have come to take its complexities for granted For students, developing the knowledge it takes to understand and evaluate these statements is an immense intellectual challenge As science educators we must understand and respond to our students and the science
Thank You Major Contributors Lindsey Mohan, Hui Jin, Kristin Gunckel, Beth Covitt, Edna Tan, Blakely Tsurusaki, Jing Chen, Hasan Abdel-Kareem, Rebecca Dudek, Josephine Zesaguli, Hsin-Yuan Chen, Brook Wilke, Laurel Hartley, Hamin Baek, Kennedy Onyancha, Chris Wilson, Ed Smith, and Jim Gallagher at Michigan State University Mark Wilson, Karen Draney, Jinnie Choi, and Yong-Sang Lee at the University of California, Berkeley. This research is supported in part by three grants from the National Science Foundation: Developing a Research-based Learning Progression for the Role of Carbon in Environmental Systems (REC ), the Center for Curriculum Materials in Science (ESI ) and Long-term Ecological Research in Row-crop Agriculture (DEB Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Website: