Goulds Elementary School KinderStart Parent Session Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten!
Tips for Parents of Children Starting Kindergarten Preschool Health Check – Vision and Hearing Screening Give all information about your child to the school, especially medical and special needs Provide emergency and contact numbers Make the school aware of any special family circumstances
Tips for Parents of Children Starting Kindergarten Establish routines with your child and stick to them Label equipment and clothing Encourage independence
Preparing for the First Day of School Make sure you are clear on schedules (drop off/pick up times, daily classroom schedule) so you can prepare your child for what to expect in the first few days of school. Talk to your child about your own kindergarten memories. Discuss your own first day feelings and make sure to listen and validate the feelings your child is expressing.
Preparing for the First Day of School Read a book together about the first day of school. Some suggestions include: The Night Before Kindergarten - Natasha Wing First Day Jitters - Juile Danneberg Countdown to Kindergarten - Alison McGhee The Kissing Hand – Audrey Penn Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten – Jospeh Slate Welcome to Kindergarten – Anne Rockwell Kindergarten Rocks! Katie Davis Annabelle Swift, Kindergartener - Amy Schwartz Lama, Lama Misses Mama – Anne Dewdney
Preparing for the First Day of School The night before the first day, lay out clothes, and have backpacks and supplies ready at the door. Make this a special and fun event, stressing your excitement for your child. Get up in time to get everything done without rushing. On the big day make sure your child has a good breakfast.
Preparing for the First Day of School Your child has learned how to read your emotions, so remember to be positive and calm. It’s alright to say you’ll miss each other, but also important that you stress you can’t wait to find out what this new adventure will bring. During your goodbye your child may feel scared or even overwhelmed. Be patient but don’t linger too long. Stay clam, and let him/her know how proud your are. Then treat yourself for getting through the first day of kindergarten.
Important Info Regarding Snacks Food Allergies Nutritious Easy to open independently Child is able to eat independently Pack food that does not require heating. DON’T pack too much!!!
Emotional Maturity Independent Self-Motivated Able to make Choices Self-Control (wait turns) Willing to try new things
Social Skills Plays cooperatively with others Make friends Take part in conversations Follow Rules Take turns Can share adult attention with other children
Listening Skills Listen to stories Follow Directions Focus on activities during circle time
Language Skills Express his/her wants/needs Answer and ask simple questions Talks about familiar objects and events Follow simple instructions Repeat/joins in rhymes, songs or stories
Self-Help Skills Use toilet independently(keep a change of clothes at school in a labeled bag) Say his/her name and address Tidy up after self Wash hands after bathroom use Dress self (velcro instead of shoe laces)
Learning/Cognition Solve age appropriate puzzles Repeat age appropriate sequences and patterns Remember simple routines Book handling skills Alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors Up/down, under/over, in front/behind etc.
Physical Skills Use scissors to cut along straight line Play action games Do simple exercises Manipulate small objects– hold pencil, copy simple lines, cut using scissors
Guidance services Individual Counselling Groups- Go Girls/Game On Classroom Programs ( Fun Friends, Friends for Life, and Roots of Empathy) Assessments/Special Services Support
Guidance Services Community agencies ( Child development, OT, Audiology, Family Resource Center, BMS, BBBS, CYFS) Student assistant Special Transportation Speech Language services IEP/ISSP