Biology Unit Four H DNA Fingerprinting and Genetic Engineering


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Presentation transcript:

Biology Unit Four H DNA Fingerprinting and Genetic Engineering Mrs. Pearson’s First Semester Biology *For those watching by recording, watch for questions on the slides throughout the presentation. Email me the answers to the questions within two days of the lesson being presented in order to receive credit for watching the recording.

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KEY CONCEPT DNA fingerprints identify people at the molecular level.

Lesson Objectives Examine how DNA fingerprints are made and used Discuss the process and potential of cloning Discuss the process and potential of genetic engineering Discuss the process and potential of medical nanotechnology

A DNA fingerprint is a type of restriction map. DNA fingerprints are based on parts of an individual’s DNA that can by used for identification. based on noncoding regions of DNA noncoding regions have repeating DNA sequences number of repeats differs between people Gel electrophoresis separates the sequences into “bands”

DNA fingerprinting is used for identification. DNA fingerprinting depends on the probability of a match. Many people have the same number of repeats in a certain region of DNA. The probability that two people share identical numbers of repeats in several locations is very small. (mother) (child 1) (child 2) (father) *Those watching by recording, include in your email how DNA fingerprinting can indicate relationship.

DNA fingerprinting is used in several ways. evidence in criminal cases paternity tests immigration requests studying biodiversity tracking genetically modified crops *Those watching by recording, include in your email how DNA fingerprinting is used in tracking genetically modified crops.

KEY CONCEPT DNA sequences of organisms can be changed.

Entire organisms can be cloned. A clone is a genetically identical copy of a gene or of an organism.

Cloning occurs in nature. bacteria (binary fission) some plants (from roots) some simple animals (budding, regeneration) *Those watching by recording, include in your email ways cloning occurs in nature.

Mammals can be cloned through a process called nuclear transfer. nucleus is removed from a fertilized egg cell nucleus of a somatic cell from the animal to be cloned is implanted in the egg

Cloning has potential benefits. Like what? organs for transplant into humans save endangered species Cloning raises concerns. Like what? low success rate clones “imperfect” and less healthy than original animal decreased biodiversity *Those watching by recording, include in your email some benefits and concerns over cloning.

Thinking deeper… Would you be in favor of continuing cloning research? What restrictions would you think are necessary?

New genes can be added to an organism’s DNA. Genetic engineering involves changing an organism’s DNA to give it new traits. What genes would you like to incorporate into your favorite pet? Genetic engineering is based on the use of recombinant DNA. Recombinant DNA contains genes from more than one organism. (bacterial DNA)

Bacterial plasmids are often used to make recombinant DNA. plasmids are loops of DNA in bacteria restriction enzymes cut plasmid and foreign DNA foreign gene inserted into plasmid

Genetic engineering produces organisms with new traits Genetic engineering produces organisms with new traits. Have scientists successfully made any transgenic plants or animals? A transgenic organism has one or more genes from another organism inserted into its genome. *Those watching by recording, include in your email at least one way transgenic organisms could be beneficial to humans.

Transgenic bacteria can be used to produce human proteins Transgenic bacteria can be used to produce human proteins. Why would this be useful? gene inserted into plasmid plasmid inserted into bacteria bacteria express the gene Transgenic plants are common in agriculture. transgenic bacteria infect a plant plant expresses foreign gene many crops are now genetically modified (GM)

Transgenic animals are used to study diseases and gene functions. transgenic mice used to study development and disease gene knockout mice used to study gene function

Scientists have concerns about some uses of genetic engineering Scientists have concerns about some uses of genetic engineering. What concerns would you have? possible long-term health effects of eating GM foods possible effects of GM plants on ecosystems and biodiversity

Thinking deeper… Do you think genetic engineering could help in situations of criminal behavior? Do you think if the techniques were perfected it would be appropriate to consider genetic therapy if a criminal is convicted?

Review DNA fingerprinting is used for identification and determining relationship A clone is a genetically identical copy of a gene or of an organism – cloning occurs in nature Cloning has potential benefits and raises concerns Genetic engineering involves changing an organism’s DNA to give it new traits. A transgenic organism has one or more genes from another organism inserted into its genome Transgenic organisms are already being used both in agriculture and scientific studies Transgenics has potential benefits and raises concerns
