I. Growth of SIG’s a. Historical Development From beginning of republic– ex: Sons of Liberty to religious gps, anti-slavery movements, unions, farmers gps, fraternal orgs, business assoc, and charitable orgs. Today: env, consumer, and political reform gps
b. Rise of Interest GPS because: Economic development– subsistance to commercial farming– farmers needed protection from unstable markets; Industrial revolution/mass production– workers needed labor unions to improve conditions
Governmental Policy: New policies create new interest groups– ex. Wars create veterans groups; New Deal fostered labor unions; state reg of professions created strong professional associations like ABA and AMA
Emergence of Strong Leaders-- Civil Rights-- Ralph Consumer Rights– Jerry Christian Coalition– Need we say more?
Expanding Gov Role W/ rise of Big Government= rise of SIG’s (AFSCME)
II. Kinds of SIG’s Def: any group that seeks to influence public policy (don’t run candidates) Types: Institutional and membership Type I. Institutional—indiv or org that represent other orgs– EX. Lobbyists for GM. Also– Reps of State Govs, Foundations and Universities (public interests)
Type #2 – Membership Interests– pd w/ dues and donations (social, bus, prof, vets, charity, religion)
III.Reasons to Join Political efficacy and duty– League of Women Voters, NAACP OR Material incentives: discounts (AARP)
Social Movements: Purpose to alter society-- like Environmental GPS– Sierra Club, National Wildlife Fed— Usually a broad moderate group will be an umbrella for smaller, active and more extremist groups. eg: League of Women voters to National Organization of Women Labor Unions declining in clout– only remaining benefit is collective bargaining
IV. Interest Group Operations Need Money to influence policy Sources: dues; foundation grants; fed grants for public interest work; direct mail to specialized audiences
Activities/Operations Supplying specialized information to policy makers and staff in Congress/Bureaucracy Raising public support:--face to face lobbying w/ Congressmen– grassroots lobbying– public pressure thru , FAX, phone campaigns,
PACS and Campaign Contributions:-- less important since BCRA— Incumbents get most PAC $$-- Labor $$ to Dems, Business $$ to both parties Donations buy access– Lawmakers will take your calls and respond to lunch invites
Employing Former Gov Officials-- Lose job after election? Take Job w/ SIG ‘REVOLVING DOOR’ : (smacks of corruption but little evidence of impropriety overall)
Civil Disobedience: Purpose to disrupt, force negotiations, create martyrs EX: AIM, Anti-Nukes, Anti-Abortion on both sides of the political spectrum
Litigation: Provide finance and legal representation in court cases that involve your group or issues EX: Brown v. BD– NAACP New Regulations: require SIG’s to file financial reports and register lobbyists
V. Trends Weak political parties and increased diversity in public interests– SIGS will take on a larger role in influencing voters and Government.