Edward VI Test Number 3 Sheets 10-12
1. What was the nick name of Lady Jane Grey? The Nine Days Queen
2. Why did Northumberland originally think that he could stay on in power when Edward ruled? His religious policy He had flattered Edward
3. If Edward died who would take the throne? Mary
4. What was there about her which Northumberland did not like? She was Catholic
5. What would happen to Northumberland if she became Queen? Lose power and life
6. Who was Edward persuaded to leave the throne to? Lady Jane Grey
7. To whom was she married Guildford Dudley
8. How did that benefit Northumberland? She was his daughter-in-law
9. How old was Lady Jane Grey at this time? 16
10. What excuse was used to disinherit Mary? Illegitimate according to Act of Succession
11. Why was Elizabeth by-passed for the throne? As an adult she would not need Northumberland to rule for her
12. Why was there a few days delay in announcing Edward’s death? To arrest Mary
13. Where did Mary make her Headquarters? Norfolk
14.Why did so many people support the idea of Mary being Queen? Rightful heir Daughter of Henry VIII
15. Why was Northumberland so unpopular? Greedy for power Took church wealth Did not stop enclosures
16.What happened when Northumberland led an army against Mary? Most deserted to Mary
17. How did Northumberland try to save his life? Said he had never been a Protestant