How The Duck Store “Gets Its Grad On” Arlyn Schaufler - General Manager
Our Preparation Process Work with vendors to secure date (4 days) Discuss marketing and publicity elements Order and stage all product Map out vendor locations Coordinate with web/mail order
Fun & Unique Ways to Market on Campus Ads in student newspaper On Campus Flier Distribution Proud Parent Letter Faculty Memo Event Signage and Collateral Pinterest page Mortar board decoration contest
Students Let Their Personalities Shine Most School Spirit Best Use of Recycled Materials Most Creative Best Incorporation of Major
Our Campus Store Turns Into Grad Central Provide signage and balloons for tables Set up vendors so they flow Provide a 3-tier pricing system for ease Make it a fun atmosphere!
Our 2012 Results students served – purchased package – 55% of those purchased during Grad Fair Grad Fair sales +43% vs – +20% overall vs. 2011
Suggestions For a Successful Event Provide lunch and soft drinks for all vendors Dress mannequins with all optional products Layout map and inform vendors, plan parking Provide a photographer and regalia to use Stay open late one of the nights & expect a last minute rush Promote, activate all marketing channels
Thank You For more information: Stacy Miller Academic Regalia Coordinator
Electronic Grad Fair Paperless Reduces labor cost Streamline the ordering process Reduces errors It’s 2012…Time to move forward