MGMT The Practice of Job Evaluation The Practice of Job Evaluation Job Evaluation Committees Advantages of JE Committees –Broader job knowledge from different perspectives –Increased participation leads to increased understanding and commitment to the Job Evaluations. Selecting members to be on the JE committee –Job incumbents, managers, HR expert, union reps –Employees who have knowledge of jobs
MGMT The Practice of Job Evaluation The Practice of Job Evaluation (Cont’d) Guidelines for Job Evaluation Committee –Each committee member evaluates each job independently before meeting with group –Each member reports his or her evaluation in group with differences noted. –Group discusses differences and works toward consensus - members explain their rationale for choices –All members should participate
MGMT The Practice of Job Evaluation The Practice of Job Evaluation (Cont’d) Quality Checks on Job Evaluations Job Profiling - Compare ACC/PS Job Comparisons - 15 percent rule Correlation Analysis - compare the committee evaluations to “benchmark” job evaluations provided by consultant or historical data.